Read. Digest. Check your cheap cynicism with the hat-and-coat - TopicsExpress


Read. Digest. Check your cheap cynicism with the hat-and-coat person at the door. Think, too, about this: its true every human culture has invented religion, and its also true that every culture has invented government. The answer containing the most cheap cynicism is the one that begins with the idea that the only reason that religion and government exist is the exercise of power by the few over the many. *snore* Ill spare you the lecture beginning with Emile Durkheim observation that nothing persists in human cultures that doesnt work some way. And Ill skip pointing out how fragile and false any extreme claims about the efficacy of the private vs. the public sector are. All thing government and all things private sector are simply tools evolved over millennia to address the problems of human beings individually and collectively. My beef with Republicans is simple: they are trying to argue that all government is bad and that The Market can solve every problem better. If that truly were the case, my friends, then with 10,000 years of recognizably modern human culture under our belts, we would have already discarded government in favor of all the supposedly superior private sector solutions the Republicans claim are just beyond our grasp. And yet... its actually government, and bureaucracy, that have made the modern world possible in both the public and private sector. What? It didnt occur to you that corporations are as hidebound with bureaucracy as government, and yet also benefit from the rationality and structure? Read about development of bureaucracy by the Prussians, and the powerful effect it had on their military if you dont believe me.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:40:19 +0000

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