Read: My Husband…. Part 40 picked his call,it was - TopicsExpress


Read: My Husband…. Part 40 picked his call,it was sweet Jackie,reminding him of their Lunch come weekend,he assured her he would be coming,he dropped his phone. ‘Adetoun as i was saying……..’ Jacob turned but she was gone,he hurried to the balcony,she wasn’t there,he saw her sobbing in her room. ‘I warned you not to cry again’ Jacob chided her softly sitting by the bed. ‘I wasn’t crying.’ ‘I want you to sit up and tell me all that happened.’ Jacob said. Adetoun sat beside Jacob and he held her hand to comfort her. In a teary voice she told him her bitter story,Jacob was stunned that a young girl as Adetoun could have passed through all that and still be mentally strong.He pulled her into his embrace and she cried the more. She remained in his arms for an hour,while Jacob soothed her pain with calm words and wiped her tears away.The househelp came in to inform Jacob that dinner was ready. Jacob felt embarassed as Adetoun clung to him,he dismissed the help. ‘I am not hungry.’ she said quietly. ‘You have to eat’Jacob insisted. After much persuassion she agreed to eat in her room.the help brought her meal and yet Adetoun refused to take a bite. Jacob fed her and she ate from his hands,she ate little,Jacob had never seen her this sad and depressed,he tried all he could to stop her from crying. She finally slept in his arms,Jacob laid her on the bed,she held on to his arms even in sleep,he removed her hands and she woke up startled and crying again. ‘Please stay with me don’t leave’ she said amidst tears. ‘I am tired,i need some rest too’Jacob said. ‘I want you by my side,please stay with me tonight.’ she said softly. Jacob was confused,he didn’t want to hurt her or make her hurt herself,she was a poor girl in distress.Sleeping by her would not hurt either. ‘Will you stay?’ Adetoun whispered. Jacob held her hands tight,’I will’ ‘Thank you’ With that Jacob got in the big bed,pecking her,Adetoun clung to him tightly and stopped crying. ** Jacob noticed the increased vigour in Adetoun ever since she explained her story,she no longer sulked or cried as before,she was lively now. She would wait up for Jacob and serve his meals since Jacob relieved the househelp of her work. One quiet sunday evening,Jacob was relaxing in the sitting room.He called Jane and had a lengthy chat with her,laughing as he did so. Adetoun watched him from across the room reading a magazine,she listened on his conversation. ‘Who were you speaking with?’ she asked when he dropped the phone. ‘Jane’ he said concentrating on the TV. ‘The same lady you call everyday.’ ‘Yes.’ she stood to sit by him. ‘Jacob do you really love her?’ ‘Ofcourse i love her.’ ‘Is she the one in those pictures strung over your room?’ ‘Yes she is.’ ‘But i haven’t been seeing her around.’ Adetoun asked. ‘I told you she’s serving,but she’ll be home for christmas.’ ‘I can’t wait to see her.’ she said laughing. ‘I miss her so much’ ‘I see it in your eyes,each time you call her or speak of her.’ ‘I have been meaning to ask you,what you want to do,now that you’re hale and hearty.’Jacob asked. ‘I am still thinking about it’ she replied. ‘I’ll be so glad,if you’ll go back to school,you’re still very young.’ ‘I’ll give you a feedback when i’m done thinking about it.’ ‘You’re taking so much time about it.’ Jacob said. ‘So what are we having for dinner?’ Jacob asked yawning softly. ‘Something nice.’ ‘Pls get the table set,i’m turning in early.’ Jacob arrived at office early,he got into the elevator,he saw Sandra at her desk as he got out. ‘Good morning sir’ she said getting his suitcase from him. She opened his door,dropped his case and walked out. Jacob watched as she swayed her hips,he noticed that she had changed in a way this past month,dressing seductively and pushing out her cleavage,Jacob knew what that meant,but he expected sandra to know better than others. He sat down and placed a cup of decaf coffe with milk,Sandra came in bringing in a tray,she returned to notify him of meetings and appointment he had for the day.As she dropped the files she bent a little showing her cleavage in the process. ‘Sandra’ he called quietly. ‘Yes sir’ she said. ‘You need to get yourself a boyfriend fast.’ Jacob said. ‘Sir?’ ‘This happens to be the second time i am calling your attention to your newly acquired mode of dressing.’ Jacob said staring her in the eye. Sandra looked at her feet ashamed. ‘The next time you bring out your cleavage this much or dress provocatively,i’ll be forced to ask you to type your own sack letter.’he said ‘Good day’ ********** ‘Pick it’ Ajoke said,Jane picked Toju’s call,answering him in few words,she dropped the phone. ‘What did he say?’ Ajoke asked anxiously. ‘He asked if i could go out with him.’ ‘And what did you say?’ ‘I told him i couldn’t.’ Jane said. ‘That was good of you,i am glad you refused him.’ ‘I am thinking you should report this issue to Jacob’ ‘I don’t think thats a good idea’ Jane said thoughtful. ‘Can you handle this thing in a smart way?’ ‘I can pull this through to prove that i’ve got brains.’ Jane said smiling. ‘I am willing to trust you.’ Ajoke said. ‘You wanted to say something the other time’Jane asked. ‘Yes,i’ll tell you when the time is right.’ Ajoke laughed. The company was decorated green and red,Jane had forgotten today was the first day of december.She took in the cool fresh air as she drove in and parked her car. She climbed the stairs,and walked into her new office,she was barely seated when the door flung open,Toju’s secretary came in carrying Toju’s case. ‘Good morning miss Jane’ she said ‘Good morning,how are you?’ Jane asked. ‘I am fine,the boss is around and asked to give this note to you.’ she said handing her a folded sheet walking away. ‘Thanks’ Jane said as she collected the paper. Jane gave a sarcastic laugh,Toju had asked to meet her in his private lunch room.Jane wasn’t taking a step out of the office,she brought out her phone and took some snapshot of herself before settling down to work. Toju came in,about 20 minutes later,probably after waiting in vain. ‘I asked to see you’ Toju said sitting on his chair. ‘I am busy’ Jane said. ‘With whose work?’ ‘The company’s work.’ she relpied. ‘I own this company,i pay every staff in my employ.’ Toju said. ‘Thats none of my business.’ Jane said typing away on the PC. ‘I hope you know you’re dealing with the boss.’ Toju said stressing the word boss. ‘I know’ Jane said smiling. ‘I am personally inviting you as my date for the end of the year closing party.’ ‘What party?’ ‘You’ll know when you type the memo this morning.’ ‘Will you be my date?’ ‘No sir.’ ‘Toju… me toju.’ ‘If you insist.’ ‘Since you decided not to breakfast with me,how about lunch?’ ‘On a monday morning? Toju you should have something better to do,i am not having lunch with you now or ever.’ she said’Please excuse me.’ **************************** ‘Hannah’ he said softly. WATCH OUT FOR PART 41 On whatsapp only
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:09:02 +0000

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