Read On.. Chapter Ten THE DREAM OF A KWANYAMA - TopicsExpress


Read On.. Chapter Ten THE DREAM OF A KWANYAMA GIRL __________________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE SANDY BUSHY VILLAGE OF EKOKA TO THE BRIGHT LIGHTS OF WINDHOEK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER TEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was caught off guard when I heard my aunts voice, I could just imagine the look on her face if she found James in my bed and frankly right now I cared less about what James would think of me as I quickly asked him to get in the closet and not make a single sound. I quickly rushed out of the room to pick up the clothes that were lying on the floor from the sitting room to my room, then I put on my pajamas and went back in bed and pretended like I was sleeping. When my aunt entered the house she came straight to my room to wake me up, she commended me for the clean house and she asked me to get her bags and other staff from her friends car, the lady that picked her up to take her to the airport a week ago, I still didnt know her name but they surely seem so close. It was 5am and my aunt just couldnt let me sleep, well what I was truly afraid of is the fact that I was afraid of her finding James in my room, yet alone in my closet, I just didnt want my aunt or James to see me in a bad light at this stage. After helping my aunt get her bags, she told me I can go back to sleep, she herself was exhausted from the long journey she just had and she told me we will catch up later on in the morning when the sun comes up, I was so glad she said that because I just wanted to lay down, with all the fun and enjoyment I was having earlier on I was surely exhausted. When I went to bed I actually thought of the good day I had free from the girls, without my crazy cousin and free from drama, I felt like I had made it without needing my cousin around telling me how to live my life and how to see things, there was just one more little problem though, how do I get James out of this house without my aunt seeing him? If she finds out I have a guy in my room she would think hes been here all week and even though it was just for few hours she would still kick me out of her house, with him. I already received a warning from her not to whore around in this house, not that I was a whore, so I barely slept waiting for my aunt to go to sleep but she was having long conversations with her friend in her home-office and as the minutes went by it was becoming lighter and lighter as the sun was rising. When the sun came up my aunts friend left and my aunt went to her bedroom, I waited until there was complete silence in her room to lend my mister the big break out and that was when I finally sneaked him out. When I got back in the room I found Jamess vest on my bed, I picked it up and put it on just to feel him closer to me again. I thought of him and couldnt stop smiling from ear to ear and suddenly I found myself thinking about Mr Officer, well he clearly saved my ass tonight because if it wasnt for him my aunt would have found me and James naked in my bed, but that didnt give him a pass for forgiveness because he made me do a horrible thing just a week ago, I was glad he alerted me because he owed it to me just as much. I slept throughout the whole Sunday morning, it was already past 12h00 when my aunt came to wake me up, Otokofa shike ano kanaave, owushi ngo kutja ongapi paife, netango kuliwete kutja olapita nale? She didnt bother me much though, she asked me not to disturb her as she was going to be busy with her business staff in her office and that means no noise at all, not even the water running in the bathroom. I thought about my cousin and friends, I havent heard from any of them since we parted ways yesterday morning, but I guess it was a good thing because after what happened at Cota Antonios crib on the outskirts of the city on that Friday night. We all needed some time alone apart from each other just to have some time to rebuild our inner selfs and not loose focus, except for Blackberry and Maria who lived together so those two had each other to console themselves, however, with my aunt around, Im sure I wasnt going to do a lot of going out until school started, so I was cool. I wasnt sure as to the condition of Cota Antonio though, if he got up from that floor it was guaranteed that he was gonna come and look for us, the thought of it made me fear for my life and the thought of him being dead was much more less worrying. The Sunday afternoon was chilled, it gave me time to think about my life, although I wasnt pleased with how it turned out just in a space of a week, I had to adopt to the big city, its adopt or perish, I had one more week before school started so I had enough time to rebuild focus and not get caught up in the crazy life of the city. I received a text from Mr Officer asking me if I was fine, I couldnt help but reply to thank him. I think that made him a little comfortable as he kept the chat going on for a while before he asked me to meet him by the playground, I didnt see the need to refuse his request so I told my aunt Im going out to get some airtime at the shop and so I went to meet up with Mr Officer who was dressed casual and swinging himself on the childrens swings, so I sat next to him. He reminded me that he could still lend me in trouble despite the fact that he saved my ass, he told me that his patience has run out as he waited for me all week to call him to come over and never did, so he reminded me about how he didnt like to be taken for a fool and that he has been very lenient with me. OMG, I couldnt believe what I was hearing, wasnt this the same fool who said he considered our deal done after I gave him head? So I told him that the only reason I came here was to thank him for alerting me when my aunt got home and that I really thought it was nice of him. As I walked away, he got hold of my hand and told me that I may think Im smart now because Im hanging with Blackberry, then he told me to be careful because Omu omokuti kwanyama, onkutu wanaambo. I didnt understand the meaning of those words, but I knew that whenever people back in the north made such comments, they were referring to Windhoek being a dangerous place to live in, this was the third time I was being told This is Windhoek, first by my aunt, my cousin and now Mr Officer. I was somehow wondering how he knew my cousin, is it probably because she lived with my aunt before and he used to come check up on her like he is now doing to me or what? I thought. As I walked away I realised that I havent heard from James since he left my house, I thought of calling him but I changed my mind and waited for him to call me, so whenever that was going to be I was willing to wait. My whole day was perfect, Mr Officer seemed to be giving up on me, my aunt was pleased with me and she did not have a clue what I got up to when she was gone but I could not stop thinking about James though, dear James only if he could even send me a text saying that he is thinking about me I will call him and tell him I was in love with him. Later on in the evening I watched a few programs on DStv then switched to NBC for the news at 8 and there it was, the first headline was that ANGOLAN BUSINESSMAN JOAO PAULO ANTONIO FOUND DEAD IN HIS LUXURY HOME ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF WINDHOEK The police reports continued. My heart stopped once today, it stopped again for the second time and I could not believe what I was hearing on the news. As the news went on, the police suspected that the murder could be a personal vendetta as there was no sign of a robbery or a forced break in at the house and that the police was carrying on with its investigations. My heart was now beating faster than it ever did before. The feeling I had when I found out Cota Antonio was dead was actually eating me up and destroying me inside, knowing that I was a party to this crime of murder made me feel bad about myself, it was because of me that this happened in the first place. Damn how did I get myself into this, I thought, it all started with money, oshimaliwa o satan and Im starting to understand why people say these things, how did I ever come to lose touch with all my traditional values, OMG I was brought up with Christian values. I was in panic and if the police found out about us it was going to be the end of my life before I could even make one for myself, it was going to be the end of my dreams and I could kiss the pursuit of my Accounting degree goodbye. I thought of coming clean and tell the police what exactly transpired and that it was self defense because he was trying to rape me but what if they dont believe me, I already erased all the evidence I had against him, it was going to backfire on me and I will end up putting the other girlss lives at risk too plus I made a vow with the girls to keep our secret. I didnt know what to do, I picked up my phone to call Blackberry and before I could dial her number she was already calling me, when I answered she said Nangula listen, Cota Antonio is dead, okwasa and just before I could tell her I just saw it on the news she told me not to leave the house until she told me when it was safe to, Otuli muudjuu kanaave nde inopopyasha inolombwela onu manga inatu ningo plana. She emphasized on not leaving the house, not even when my aunt wanted to sent me to the shop, she explained to me that this was a serious matter. Just as I thought I was done with all the lying and trying to come clean my cousin was again asking me to keep my mouth shut, Nangula pwiikina, Roberto is looking for all of us, Maria and I left our flat because he came there last night with a gun looking for us but luckily okwali twaya out ko kapana with G7, our neighbor told us he was there with a gun in his hand, Roberto otayi eemwengu, dont make a mistake nande aanu ava ovanika oshiponga. Those were her last words before I heard her screaming and her phone went off, by this time I thought this was a bad movie or a bad dream that I just wanted to wake up from. Either way, be it a bad movie or a bad dream it was something really bad, what was once a beautiful Sunday now turned out to be a bad one. Is there ever a time when my guardian angels will overcome the haunting evils surrounding me?, I thought. I tried calling back but my cousins phone was still off, I didnt want to imagine the worst but I wasnt hoping for the best either. My Lord what happened to my cousin? I cried out. The End... Watch out for part eleven as THE DREAM OF A KWANYAMA GIRL continues...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:20:47 +0000

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