Read, Subscribe & Cite DELHI LAW TIMES (DLT) 213 (2014) DLT - TopicsExpress


Read, Subscribe & Cite DELHI LAW TIMES (DLT) 213 (2014) DLT 103 SUCCESSION — Will — Grant of probate — Will not free from suspicion — Respondent/petitioner was under an obligation to establish reasons as to why deceased/testator has not put his signatures and only put his thumb impression — Genuineness of PW 2, as being a person who drafted Will, doubtful. 213 (2014) DLT 119 JURISDICTION (TERRITORIAL) — Trade Mark — Infringement — This Court has got territorial jurisdiction — Issue of jurisdiction to be decided after framing of issues when matter is taken for final disposal of suit. 213 (2014) DLT 145 (DB) DESERTION — Delay in institution of praying for decree of divorce is unnecessary or improper, is question of fact. 213 (2014) DLT 145 (DB) — — “Not less than two years” — This is minimum requirement for presentation of petition on ground of desertion — But no maximum period has been laid down within which petition must be presented. 213 (2014) DLT 168 EVIDENCE — Family members of deceased — Great travesty of justice to discard entire evidence of family members of deceased on ground of failure to give greater details of dowry demands made by appellant and his family members. 213 (2014) DLT 194 DELHI RENT CONTROL ACT, 1958 — Sections 14(1)(e), 25B — Bona Fide Requirement — Accommodation on first and second floors is unsuitable as it would be inconvenient for aged mother of landlord — There is bona fide requirement of landlord and space presently available to him is insufficient for his family members. 213 (2014) DLT 211 (DB) APPEAL — Review/Recall of Orders — So far as orders passed on applications under Section 151, CPC are concerned, they are not appealable orders under Order 43 Rule 1, CPC. 213 (2014) DLT 246 (DB) CIVIL PROCEDURE CODE, 1908 — Section 10 — Res Sub judice — Principle of Section 10, CPC is to avoid multiplicity of proceedings and conflicting findings being recorded by two Fora equally competent to hear issues — Technical argument like whether proceedings can be termed ‘suit’ or not cannot be determinative of dispute. 213 (2014) DLT 229 DDA — Allotment of Flat — Public notices are not substitute for individual notices and scheme had never envisaged public notices to be issued to registrants — Nor are the registrants under obligation to constantly scan newspapers to verify whether DDA inserted advertisement for allotment of flat. 213 (2014) DLT 259 CULPABLE HOMICIDE NOT AMOUNTING TO MURDER — Quack — Death of baby — Punishment for — Appellant was quack and committed fraud upon victim by posing himself as doctor, administered medical care to nine-month old baby knowing fully well that he was not qualified to do so. 213 (2014) DLT 298 (DB) MATERIAL PROPOSITIONS — Those propositions of law or fact which plaintiff must allege in order to show right to sue or defendant must allege in order to constitute his defence. Like our FACEBOOK PAGE: https://facebook/pages/DLT-Publications-Pvt-Ltd/148985855256175?ref=bookmarks For Full Judgments log on to: onlinejudgments. SHARE IT IF YOU LIKE IT
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:02:05 +0000

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