Read about “Healthy Marital Love and the Love - TopicsExpress


Read about “Healthy Marital Love and the Love Languages." lonelyroadhome/1/post/2013/08/healthy-marital-love-and-the-love-languages.html To continue on the topic of marriages, another common problem in marriages is the attempt of one spouse to try to control the other one, through subtle or overt manipulation, perhaps even emotional or physical abuse. It doesn’t matter whether it is the husband or wife doing this, it is still wrong. Collateral to this is the desire and/or attempt to change one’s spouse. This also is wrong. Regardless of whether one is manipulating, abusing, or trying to change one’s spouse, these actions are not evidence of love. Love sees and accepts the person as he or she is, “warts and all” as they say. If you manipulate an abuse your spouse, you are treating them like a possession rather than an equal who is deserving of your respect and honor. Moreover, if you try to change the person, you are not in love with the person, but rather, you are in love with some image of what you would like the person to be. True love does not desire to change the person. Instead, it seeks to find the beauty in the other person and, with God’s help to open your eyes, seeks to cherish that which is good, honorable, and praiseworthy in the other. Of course, there are some hard cases……………. Read the rest of the posting on my daily blog at the link below:
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 13:17:12 +0000

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