Read all top of followKeith and Newzion2 creation of new bilblical - TopicsExpress


Read all top of followKeith and Newzion2 creation of new bilblical world peaceful order. Criminal conspiracy is 100% true by criminals own signed confessions on court documents on FollowKeith. Solved by UNIocracy reformation grassroots movement of biblical Salvation. I have contacted and called Everyone including Press, churches, law enforcement about upcoming publicity meetings, press release, and press conference for TeenMM info@helpInmates and multitude of hosted world changing solutions that are biblically based on Gods love for HIS own deviant people. This will also put over 75 specific USGOV officials in prison based on only their own signatures on court documents,transcripts, emails, and electronic recordings as they have confessed their own conspiracy complicity. I also called Also Davesavage, and hal lawyer, as well as visited my previous financial planner today. If I could broadcast to the world, I certainly would have, as my Gods gifts to mankind are priceless and true legacies of all time. These are just a few of the most powerful biblical teachings as God leads me or I lead myself and my world of Egregious people to the UNIoCracy reformation movement of all time. These specific people are also nefarious to the extreme of committing felony and civil crimes against my People around the world. As I am the ultimate word Smith, no holds are barred. Dont cry. As bars and handcuff full body shackles were used for 848 hellish days to keep me away from my own lost sheep people who are blemished by greed and acquisition of others assets. At least I have never been blind to others needs. This has always been the fruitful Basis of my God centered ministries. I have never warranted or asked for charity or borrowed money from a person unless I could immediately pay back with extreme value. In reality, I have never paid interest on a credit card. Clearly these are rarities in todays capitalistic marketing hey days when compulsive shoppers are lured into but now, pay forever. For indeed, time has always been of my own essence as well as God and MY People. Details of these completed solutions are based on solutionFinal 5 steps and TeenMM that are being broadcast to all nations as soon as the PRESS, public, churches, corporate enterprises, small business owners, and governmental organizations learn the basic truths of what I have been learning and teaching for most of my life. Refer to the defined verb KSHAMA. This described Christ holy Jesus as well as myself, again no bars held back. As our own legal and jail system is set up for HostageForProfit to plunder the assets of all classes to the ruling elite who pass laws and interpret laws from courthouses to benefit themselves and their own underground criminal enterprises. I not a cynic or hypocrite since all these criminal fools have signed their own confessions. Clearly more to come very soon. Keith Duncan. Feedback and call to action are all that has ever been required and now demanded of our own deviant judicial, legal, and financial system officials. Who actually leads our nations? For that is the prone and prime question on August 7, 2014. Keith Duncan. BuiltByKeith followKeith creatorKeith and bidOnKeith are all websites and youTubes that change our collective and cooperative ministries world.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:22:42 +0000

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