Read and learn the schemes ,we must stick together . We are all - TopicsExpress


Read and learn the schemes ,we must stick together . We are all in the same boat . The holy scriptures of genocide . has already been proven that the Hyperlodge HONG of China through the Chinese Government, through the Central Bank of China, and through the Central Hebrew Banks of other countries, and especially through the Bankers Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, etc, are promoting the Chinese Invasion in all the countries of Europe, with already ongoing the Chinese Economic Invasion in USA and with already ongoing the fact of the bought of the General Debt of USA and of the mortgages of this General Debt of USA from the Chinese Central Bank. As History teaches, the next step will deterministically be the Political Invasion of China with physical persons the Chinese who will be members of the European Governments, as already has happened with the Chinese origins Vice-President namely Vice-Chancellor of Germany Rösler ( Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), as a direct organ of the Hyperlodge HONG, and of the Chinese Government, and of the Chinese Central Bank, for the Economical and Political Invasion of China in the Countries of the European Union. Already, China through the Chinese origins minister of Economics and Vice-Chancellor of Germany Rösler (Read: Chin – Chu – Chien), is creating conditions of fencing all the states of Europe with colossal loans towards the European states, as loans that the European States will never be able to repay towards China, therefore is deterministic and certain that when will come the time limits for the repay of those loans, China will accuse the borrowers Europeans as insolvent and will ask in front of the International Monetary Fund which China controls, the declaration of those European States as bankrupted, and not only that, but will furthermore ask the declaration of those European States as Territories under Chinese Domination, in order that through the territories of the real estates and of the fortunes and Public and Private Corporations of the European States, will ask confiscation of those Public and Private fortunes of Europe, in order for the next step to be the deployment of Chinese Armies in all the European Countries in order to reassure the Chinese Interests, and the Chinese confiscations over the European Public and Private fortunes. Those Public fortunes for the time being, but later on AND the Private fortunes of the European Citizens, as already demanded the Hebrew origins named Bloom as director of the German Institute of Economic Studies. So China through the Hebrew-Saxon banks and through the directors of the Institutes of Economic Studies like Bloom, will moreover demand and the confiscation of Private Fortunes of the European citizens, in order for the European States but and for the USA to repay the colossal loans that both USA and the European States are receiving today from China: As a devious loan which force over USA and over the European Countries the Hebrew-Saxon Governments of USA and of the European Countries. Considering the above facts and considering the irrevocable and deterministic historical observation that when there is an ongoing Economical Invasion, deterministically follows a Political Invasion of the type: “Rösler - Germany”, and deterministically follows the Military Invasion of the type: 300.000 Chinese Army today in Mexico, 200.000 Chinese Army today in Canada, 700.000 Chinese Army today in Panama Canal, 700.000 Chinese Army today in Nigeria, and several millions of Chinese Army scattered in other countries of the Planet, under the pretext for protection of the sources of energy (Natural Gas – Oil) and the trade protection of those countries from the “Evil” – USA & European Union as “Evil colonialists”. Of course those “Evil colonialists” are executing acts of colonialism against African and Asiatic and South American Countries, ordered again from China, in order to execute a planetary shame and a collusion today between the Chinese Government and the Hebrew-Saxon countries of the West. We already has proved that the end of this collusion will be for China to order the armies of the West, namely “NATO”, to provocatively attack against China, in order for China to have the moral and religious alibi against the “Evil Western 666” of Religious War – Jihad – in order to counterattack with 200.000.000 Chinese Army (See: John’s Revelation) and with the rest million armies of China’s allies like the R.I.C. Axis (Russia – Islam – China) or “Pact of Shanghai” against the West, in order to originally genocide the White Race, and afterwards the Black Race, as a Black Race which the Hebrew-Chinese dirty “Holy Scripture” swears as “Cursed race Ham”… (see: Book of Genesis – Old Testament), with the clownish and non-existent pseudo-historical excuses that allegedly the (Black race) Ham as a son of the non-existent Noah, mocked his father Noah, because he was drunk from wine. Already all the countries of the West through Judeo-Christianism have been drunk from the frauds of the dirty Hebrew-Chinese Book of “Holy Scripture” (Old and New Testament - See: “Raymond Drake” and the “Chinese Repository” about the Chinese origins of the “Holy Scripture”), up to a point that the Western Nations and the Western Populations terrified from Judeo-Christians theologians are completely accepting as deterministic their genocide, because the Book “John’s Revelations” of the dirty criminal Hebrew-Chinese “Holy Scripture” is presenting as allegedly deterministic event the genocide of those western and white and black populations of the planet in Armageddon, namely the Third World War, as a terminal genocide who will suffer from the “Kings that are coming from the East”, namely the Chinese, and the 200.000.000 Chinese Army (See Jonh’s revelation). Considering the above We are calling all the Military Personnel of the West, of “NATO”, and of all the Western Countries which don’t belong to “NATO”, like the Countries of South America, to use military force in order to overthrow and exterminate NOW the members of the Hebrew-Saxon treasonous Governments who are guiding the citizens of the Western Countries and the Citizens of the Black African Countries to a genocide from the Chinese in Armageddon or Third World War. Secondly ,We are calling the military and police personnel and the members of the Secret Services of all the Countries of the Planet to immediately expel from their countries the Chinese, in order for the damage to be limited in the present point of Economical Invasion, and in order for the damage to not expand up to the point of Political Invasion as has happened with the Chinese Origins “German” Vice-Chancellor Rösler (Read: Chin – Chu – Chien), and in order for the damage to not expand up to the point of presence and occupation of other countries from Chinese Army, as has already happened in Nigeria, Panama, Africa, Canada and Mexico. Thirdly, We are calling all the military and police personnel and the members of the Secret Services of all the Western Countries, to execute with death penalties anybody who will attempt to send Western of other Armies to provocatively attack against the armies of the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China), because if this military assault is realized as a beginning stage of the Third World War which already is programmed from HONG (Secret Service) of China, and has already being revealed from the Geostrategics Analysis Department , because if this military assault of Western and especially NATO Armies is realized against the “R.I.C.” axis or “Pact of Shanghai”, then according to the programming of HONG and of the Chinese Government, 200.000.000 men of Chinese Army and 100.000.000 men additional armies of Russia and Islamic Countries, namely for a total of 300.000.000 of Chinese Army, or as states the dirty “Revelation” of “Holy Scripture” “The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand (Chinese).” (John’s Revelation 9:16), plus the rest million armies of the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islamic Nations) will counter-attack and genocide all the White nations of the West and the Black Race of Africa, in the final stage of the Third World War, in order to survive on the planet only the Yellow Race, namely the sperm of Yahweh (Sin – Sion - Zion – Zendai – Jendai – Jade – Sendai – lunar dragonian criminal - pirate), as this is mentioned in the Book of Genesis, as the “Sperm of the Woman”, namely the “Sperm of the Moon – Selene – Levan”, namely the Dragonian hybrid military-piratic flagship Moon. We further note that the above 3 calls are equivalent with orders of intellectually superior, namely of intellectually superior Hellenes, because it is fateful for Hellenes to take over the intellectual and emotional and military leadership of the expel of Chinese from all the countries of the Planet, because history has proven, unfortunately or fortunately, that the genus of Hellenes is the intellectually superior genus of the Planet, and is natural for this genus to be the leader in what concerns the National Security of all the Countries of the Planet (except China), and for this Hellenic genus to lead and the Planetary Security of the existence and the continuing of the White & Black race survival, but also AND of the survival of the Mongolian races, namely and of the Hebrew & Saxons finally, because stupidly they have subdued to China, because China & Korea as a pure Yellow Race, as we have revealed, has finally programmed the genocide AND of the Mongolians, namely of the White-yellow and of the Black-yellow races, namely the genocide AND of the White-yellow Hebrews & Saxons. Especially the present signal for which we call the friends of ours worldwide to first write it in the English language and afterwards to translate it to Greek and other corresponding languages of their countries, and this present signal is addressed mainly to the members of the Russian Government who are without exceptions of Hebrew origins, and we address it to the Generals of Russia, who are all White-Yellow, namely of Mongolian and Hebrew origins, and we address this message AND to the Governments of the Islamic Nations, especially to the Islamic Governments of “Pact of Shanghai”, namely to the Governments of the Former Soviet Republics, who today every Autumn, along with the Russian and Chinese armies, are conducting Military Drills against “NATO”. So, we call the Governments and the Generals of Russia and of Islamic Countries, to immediately withdraw from “Pact of Shanghai” with first fact that it is obvious for China to genocide the (Whites) Russians and the Hebrews & Mongols of Russia, but also AND the citizens of the Islamic Countries, because already the above mentioned military drills of “Pact of Shanghai” are conducted continuously and every year only under the leadership of the Chinese Military HQ and this is indicative of what will finally happen. Fourth: We call the Russian Generals, all of Mongolian origins, in the case of which the Hebrew members of the Russian Government will not withdraw and break-up immediately the “Pact of Shanghai”, namely their alliance with China, we call those Russian Generals to immediately force death penalties against the members of the Chinese Government, with first in the row forced death penalty against the ex-president of Russia Vladimir Putin, and second forced death penalty against the current president of Russia Medvedev, as mainly responsible for the formation of the “Pact of Shanghai” along with China, and as mainly responsible for the Russian National Security subversion, and as mainly responsible for the future genocide of the Russians from the Chinese Army, because according to the research and revelations of our group , The Chinese Army is planning AND the genocide of the Whites Russian Scythes Pelasgians (of Andromedian constellation Origins), and is planning AND the genocide of Hebrew origins Russians AND of the White-Yellow Russians of Mongolian origins regardless of their Religion – and Political – and National origin. We are finalizing here our signal, the our signal towards all the Military officers of the Planet, towards all the Police officers of the Planet, and towards all the members of the Secret Services of the Planet, because already inside the friendly webpages of friends and already inside the official documentations , there is already complete information and proofs of the threatened genocide of the 2/3rds of the Global Population, namely of 5 billion people from all the races of the Nation-states of the Planet, from the Chinese and Korean armies. Therefore, is unnecessary in the present signal to present additional proof and we call all the Military personnel and the Police Officers and the Secret Service members of the Planet, to research the rest of the documents that are presented in the documents , in order for them to have the necessary proof and the Historical and Geostrategic and Geopolitical and Geoeconomical infrastructure, in order for them to proceed immediately to the enforcement of Death Penalties against the members of the treasonous Hebrew-Saxon governments of their countries, and to proceed immediately to the expel of the Chinese and Koreans from their countries, because the Chinese and Koreans have already being proved in Asia as the worst annihilators of Asiatic populations, by genociding the mongols of Vietnam, the mongols of Thailand, the mongols Jews of Russia, the mongols Black-yellow populations of Philippines and of Indochina and of other Asiatic populations. The historical proofs are adequate for the fact that China and Korea, as the only pure yellow Dragonian populations of Lunar Origins (and of constellation of Draco origins) according to the archives of the Chinese emperors and of their Mandarins, are about to unleash in the following years a counter-attack of World War for the genocide of 5 billion people, namely of the 2/3rds of the Global population, namely for the genocide of all the Terrestrial races except the pure Yellows like the Chinese and Koreans. Armegedon plans through the Hebrew / Chinese holy scriptures and the invasion ..August 24, 2013 at 6:24pm It has already been proven that the Hyperlodge HONG of China through the Chinese Government, through the Central Bank of China, and through the Central Hebrew Banks of other countries, and especially through the Bankers Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan, etc, are promoting the Chinese Invasion in all the countries of Europe, with already ongoing the Chinese Economic Invasion in USA and with already ongoing the fact of the bought of the General Debt of USA and of the mortgages of this General Debt of USA from the Chinese Central Bank. As History teaches, the next step will deterministically be the Political Invasion of China with physical persons the Chinese who will be members of the European Governments, as already has happened with the Chinese origins Vice-President namely Vice-Chancellor of Germany Rösler ( Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Philipp Rösler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), as a direct organ of the Hyperlodge HONG, and of the Chinese Government, and of the Chinese Central Bank, for the Economical and Political Invasion of China in the Countries of the European Union. Already, China through the Chinese origins minister of Economics and Vice-Chancellor of Germany Rösler (Read: Chin – Chu – Chien), is creating conditions of fencing all the states of Europe with colossal loans towards the European states, as loans that the European States will never be able to repay towards China, therefore is deterministic and certain that when will come the time limits for the repay of those loans, China will accuse the borrowers Europeans as insolvent and will ask in front of the International Monetary Fund which China controls, the declaration of those European States as bankrupted, and not only that, but will furthermore ask the declaration of those European States as Territories under Chinese Domination, in order that through the territories of the real estates and of the fortunes and Public and Private Corporations of the European States, will ask confiscation of those Public and Private fortunes of Europe, in order for the next step to be the deployment of Chinese Armies in all the European Countries in order to reassure the Chinese Interests, and the Chinese confiscations over the European Public and Private fortunes. Those Public fortunes for the time being, but later on AND the Private fortunes of the European Citizens, as already demanded the Hebrew origins named Bloom as director of the German Institute of Economic Studies. So China through the Hebrew-Saxon banks and through the directors of the Institutes of Economic Studies like Bloom, will moreover demand and the confiscation of Private Fortunes of the European citizens, in order for the European States but and for the USA to repay the colossal loans that both USA and the European States are receiving today from China: As a devious loan which force over USA and over the European Countries the Hebrew-Saxon Governments of USA and of the European Countries. Considering the above facts and considering the irrevocable and deterministic historical observation that when there is an ongoing Economical Invasion, deterministically follows a Political Invasion of the type: “Rösler - Germany”, and deterministically follows the Military Invasion of the type: 300.000 Chinese Army today in Mexico, 200.000 Chinese Army today in Canada, 700.000 Chinese Army today in Panama Canal, 700.000 Chinese Army today in Nigeria, and several millions of Chinese Army scattered in other countries of the Planet, under the pretext for protection of the sources of energy (Natural Gas – Oil) and the trade protection of those countries from the “Evil” – USA & European Union as “Evil colonialists”. Of course those “Evil colonialists” are executing acts of colonialism against African and Asiatic and South American Countries, ordered again from China, in order to execute a planetary shame and a collusion today between the Chinese Government and the Hebrew-Saxon countries of the West. We already has proved that the end of this collusion will be for China to order the armies of the West, namely “NATO”, to provocatively attack against China, in order for China to have the moral and religious alibi against the “Evil Western 666” of Religious War – Jihad – in order to counterattack with 200.000.000 Chinese Army (See: John’s Revelation) and with the rest million armies of China’s allies like the R.I.C. Axis (Russia – Islam – China) or “Pact of Shanghai” against the West, in order to originally genocide the White Race, and afterwards the Black Race, as a Black Race which the Hebrew-Chinese dirty “Holy Scripture” swears as “Cursed race Ham”… (see: Book of Genesis – Old Testament), with the clownish and non-existent pseudo-historical excuses that allegedly the (Black race) Ham as a son of the non-existent Noah, mocked his father Noah, because he was drunk from wine. Already all the countries of the West through Judeo-Christianism have been drunk from the frauds of the dirty Hebrew-Chinese Book of “Holy Scripture” (Old and New Testament - See: “Raymond Drake” and the “Chinese Repository” about the Chinese origins of the “Holy Scripture”), up to a point that the Western Nations and the Western Populations terrified from Judeo-Christians theologians are completely accepting as deterministic their genocide, because the Book “John’s Revelations” of the dirty criminal Hebrew-Chinese “Holy Scripture” is presenting as allegedly deterministic event the genocide of those western and white and black populations of the planet in Armageddon, namely the Third World War, as a terminal genocide who will suffer from the “Kings that are coming from the East”, namely the Chinese, and the 200.000.000 Chinese Army (See Jonh’s revelation). Considering the above We are calling all the Military Personnel of the West, of “NATO”, and of all the Western Countries which don’t belong to “NATO”, like the Countries of South America, to use military force in order to overthrow and exterminate NOW the members of the Hebrew-Saxon treasonous Governments who are guiding the citizens of the Western Countries and the Citizens of the Black African Countries to a genocide from the Chinese in Armageddon or Third World War. Secondly ,We are calling the military and police personnel and the members of the Secret Services of all the Countries of the Planet to immediately expel from their countries the Chinese, in order for the damage to be limited in the present point of Economical Invasion, and in order for the damage to not expand up to the point of Political Invasion as has happened with the Chinese Origins “German” Vice-Chancellor Rösler (Read: Chin – Chu – Chien), and in order for the damage to not expand up to the point of presence and occupation of other countries from Chinese Army, as has already happened in Nigeria, Panama, Africa, Canada and Mexico. Thirdly, We are calling all the military and police personnel and the members of the Secret Services of all the Western Countries, to execute with death penalties anybody who will attempt to send Western of other Armies to provocatively attack against the armies of the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China), because if this military assault is realized as a beginning stage of the Third World War which already is programmed from HONG (Secret Service) of China, and has already being revealed from the Geostrategics Analysis Department , because if this military assault of Western and especially NATO Armies is realized against the “R.I.C.” axis or “Pact of Shanghai”, then according to the programming of HONG and of the Chinese Government, 200.000.000 men of Chinese Army and 100.000.000 men additional armies of Russia and Islamic Countries, namely for a total of 300.000.000 of Chinese Army, or as states the dirty “Revelation” of “Holy Scripture” “The number of the mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand (Chinese).” (John’s Revelation 9:16), plus the rest million armies of the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islamic Nations) will counter-attack and genocide all the White nations of the West and the Black Race of Africa, in the final stage of the Third World War, in order to survive on the planet only the Yellow Race, namely the sperm of Yahweh (Sin – Sion - Zion – Zendai – Jendai – Jade – Sendai – lunar dragonian criminal - pirate), as this is mentioned in the Book of Genesis, as the “Sperm of the Woman”, namely the “Sperm of the Moon – Selene – Levan”, namely the Dragonian hybrid military-piratic flagship Moon. We further note that the above 3 calls are equivalent with orders of intellectually superior, namely of intellectually superior Hellenes, because it is fateful for Hellenes to take over the intellectual and emotional and military leadership of the expel of Chinese from all the countries of the Planet, because history has proven, unfortunately or fortunately, that the genus of Hellenes is the intellectually superior genus of the Planet, and is natural for this genus to be the leader in what concerns the National Security of all the Countries of the Planet (except China), and for this Hellenic genus to lead and the Planetary Security of the existence and the continuing of the White & Black race survival, but also AND of the survival of the Mongolian races, namely and of the Hebrew & Saxons finally, because stupidly they have subdued to China, because China & Korea as a pure Yellow Race, as we have revealed, has finally programmed the genocide AND of the Mongolians, namely of the White-yellow and of the Black-yellow races, namely the genocide AND of the White-yellow Hebrews & Saxons. Especially the present signal for which we call the friends of ours worldwide to first write it in the English language and afterwards to translate it to Greek and other corresponding languages of their countries, and this present signal is addressed mainly to the members of the Russian Government who are without exceptions of Hebrew origins, and we address it to the Generals of Russia, who are all White-Yellow, namely of Mongolian and Hebrew origins, and we address this message AND to the Governments of the Islamic Nations, especially to the Islamic Governments of “Pact of Shanghai”, namely to the Governments of the Former Soviet Republics, who today every Autumn, along with the Russian and Chinese armies, are conducting Military Drills against “NATO”. So, we call the Governments and the Generals of Russia and of Islamic Countries, to immediately withdraw from “Pact of Shanghai” with first fact that it is obvious for China to genocide the (Whites) Russians and the Hebrews & Mongols of Russia, but also AND the citizens of the Islamic Countries, because already the above mentioned military drills of “Pact of Shanghai” are conducted continuously and every year only under the leadership of the Chinese Military HQ and this is indicative of what will finally happen. Fourth: We call the Russian Generals, all of Mongolian origins, in the case of which the Hebrew members of the Russian Government will not withdraw and break-up immediately the “Pact of Shanghai”, namely their alliance with China, we call those Russian Generals to immediately force death penalties against the members of the Chinese Government, with first in the row forced death penalty against the ex-president of Russia Vladimir Putin, and second forced death penalty against the current president of Russia Medvedev, as mainly responsible for the formation of the “Pact of Shanghai” along with China, and as mainly responsible for the Russian National Security subversion, and as mainly responsible for the future genocide of the Russians from the Chinese Army, because according to the research and revelations of our group , The Chinese Army is planning AND the genocide of the Whites Russian Scythes Pelasgians (of Andromedian constellation Origins), and is planning AND the genocide of Hebrew origins Russians AND of the White-Yellow Russians of Mongolian origins regardless of their Religion – and Political – and National origin. We are finalizing here our signal, the our signal towards all the Military officers of the Planet, towards all the Police officers of the Planet, and towards all the members of the Secret Services of the Planet, because already inside the friendly webpages of friends and already inside the official documentations , there is already complete information and proofs of the threatened genocide of the 2/3rds of the Global Population, namely of 5 billion people from all the races of the Nation-states of the Planet, from the Chinese and Korean armies. Therefore, is unnecessary in the present signal to present additional proof and we call all the Military personnel and the Police Officers and the Secret Service members of the Planet, to research the rest of the documents that are presented in the documents , in order for them to have the necessary proof and the Historical and Geostrategic and Geopolitical and Geoeconomical infrastructure, in order for them to proceed immediately to the enforcement of Death Penalties against the members of the treasonous Hebrew-Saxon governments of their countries, and to proceed immediately to the expel of the Chinese and Koreans from their countries, because the Chinese and Koreans have already being proved in Asia as the worst annihilators of Asiatic populations, by genociding the mongols of Vietnam, the mongols of Thailand, the mongols Jews of Russia, the mongols Black-yellow populations of Philippines and of Indochina and of other Asiatic populations. The historical proofs are adequate for the fact that China and Korea, as the only pure yellow Dragonian populations of Lunar Origins (and of constellation of Draco origins) according to the archives of the Chinese emperors and of their Mandarins, are about to unleash in the following years a counter-attack of World War for the genocide of 5 billion people, namely of the 2/3rds of the Global population, namely for the genocide of all the Terrestrial races except the pure Yellows like the Chinese and Koreans.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 19:38:52 +0000

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