Read and meditate on this brothers , becareful by all means guard - TopicsExpress


Read and meditate on this brothers , becareful by all means guard your heart from which your life flows from it Every trap must have something that entices and allures and attracts its victims. A mouse trap uses cheese which appeals to mice. The fish hook uses a wiggling worm which attracts fish. Let’s see what the wicked woman uses to catch her prey: 1) FLATTERY--She flatters with her words (Proverbs 2:16). Her mouth is smoother than oil (Proverbs 5:3). See also Proverbs 7:21; 6:24 and compare Proverbs 22:14. She uses sweet talk. She draws the victim to herself with nice, inviting language. She has charm to her voice and her words pull the man to herself as a magnet. 2) BEAUTY--The evil woman is outwardly beautiful (Proverbs 6:24-25). She is attractive to the eyes. She can easily become an object of lust. This beauty is deceptive. It is only skin deep. On the inside she is the most ugly thing you could imagine. 3) --The evil woman knows where to locate herself so as to be most effective in getting her victims (see Proverbs 7:11-12). A skilled fisherman needs to know where to drop his line. To catch mice you need to know where to place the mousetrap. The evil woman knows where to place herself--at the time and place where the man is most vulnerable. 4) DECORATIONS--The evil woman knows how to decorate herself and her surroundings (Proverbs 7:10,16,17). The bait must look attractive, and this is done by clothes, perfumes, make-up, etc. All of this is done to draw attention to herself. In contrast, the believing woman is concerned about MODESTY (1 Timothy 2:9). She gives careful thought to what she should wear and how she should dress. She is ashamed of wearing anything that would even suggest indecency or in any way incite lust. She knows that she is not to be conformed to the world’s sensuous standards (Rom. 12:2), and must set aside many of the popular fashions of the day. At the same time she ought to display good taste in the clothing she wears, not drawing attention to herself with extremism in either direction: Be not the first by whom the new is tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside. The message that comes from the life and witness of a modest believing woman is this: Look at Christ living in me (Gal. 2:20). I belong to the Son of God. Such a woman, sad to say, is rare (Proverbs 31:10). On the other hand, by her dress (or lack of dress) the immodest woman is saying, Look at me! Look at what I am! Look at what I offer! Look at my body! 5) ARRANGEMENTS--The wicked woman tries to make all the necessary arrangements so that the victim will think that he can spend time with her and get away with it. See Proverbs 7:14 and 7:19-20. This idea is something like this: It’s all arranged. It’s all set up. No one will ever know that you were with me. You can do it and get away with it and you will not suffer any ill effects or bad consequences. Everything has been taken care of; there is nothing to worry about and there is no reason why you should not do this! 6) --See Proverbs 7:18,21 and Proverbs 9:16-17. By now she is irresistible. The mouse must go for the cheese and the fish must go for the worm. She has him right where she wants him. Now she moves in for the kill! The Trap What a surprise when a fish bites a soft worm and feels a sharp hook! What a surprise when a mouse goes for the cheese and gets whammed on the neck with a fatal blow! The same is true for the man who falls for the wicked woman’s trap. It appeared so SWEET and so SMOOTH (Proverbs 5:3) but it ended up so BITTER and so SHARP (Proverbs 5:4)! This trap is described in Proverbs 22:14 and 23:27-28 (the whorish woman waits to catch her victims). The man is caught and trapped by his own sin (Proverbs 5:22). This same trap is described in James 1:13-15. Note especially verse 14--it was not LOVE that got the person trapped; it was LUST!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:30:12 +0000

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