Read some of the blog comments made by so many ass wipes out there - TopicsExpress


Read some of the blog comments made by so many ass wipes out there and mostly from liberal DC readers who get the WP news first on their doorsteeps. Carlos Eire is accomplished author and professor and obviously standing alone at Yale University. Even the water fountain experience on campus must taste yellow (if you can understand what I mean). Lets face it American just want a good time their grand parents reminisced about in Havan of the 4os and 50s. Most dont read a book . If they do they read its a magazine or liberal news article short, shallow and distorted. When it comes to Cuba I can only thank Obama for this disingenous and meanigless legal approach as most sanctions in place are codeified in the Helms Burton Law. Nevertheless at least it elevates the conversation so some reality sets in. By now the Camelot story is not glamourized any longer. Kennedy dropped the lead ball in Vienna in 1961 then further step in dog manure when he decided to fight Communist in Vietnam instead of Cuba. Yes the Cuba people drop the ball too swallowing the bubble gum that Fidel s stolen quarters paid for. But in Cubas case it was only 10 years old as independant nation before it fell under diffrent dictators of all types: Machado Batista Castro I & II. What is Americas excuse? Maybe residents of DC can take the time to drive theier neighborhood by visiting the North entrance of the US State Department and read the base of the Galvez statue there. It defines what Cuban people under Colonial Spain meant to the United States as the X-Factor in the War of Independence closing the Mississippi river to British Navy . Galvez provided all gold and silver (money) and gundpowder the Continental Army used in Battle of Trenton and Yorktown. Without it there is no United States. It just that simple and historical fact as Professor Eire would have like us to know in Op-ED below. Has Americans ever even asked why their own currency is called the Dollar? I will tell you why. 8 Reales of Spanish silver dollar was the only acceptable currency for trade for the first 100 years post American revolution inflationary colonial economy. This the best example I can share to validate what Dr. Eire central theme as he was attempting to articulate numb liberal out there who support and praise the Presidents actions. American are delusional in their blog comments when it comes to Communist Alcatraz. For instance , presently their travel warning posted by US Interest Section in August 2013 for Cholera and Dengue outbreak on the island.So what does Obamania do he encourages American to travel there. Only a liberal bipolar can fathom such things. Now we gave the Castros a Visa and Mastercard when his bolita money ran out. I have a better idea gitmofreezone òó
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 13:18:57 +0000

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