Read the whole book of Obadiah...... 92% out of 100% - TopicsExpress


Read the whole book of Obadiah...... 92% out of 100% assessment....... Questions & answers of Obadiah. Q. When was the Book of Obadiah written? A. Either 840 or 586 B.C. Q. What sets Obadiah apart from the rest of the Bible? A. It is the shortest book of the Bible. Q. What does it cover? A. The continuing dispute between Jacob/Israel and Esau. Note: Herod descended from Esau. Q. Did Obadiah see a vision? A. Obadiah 1 Yes. Q. Who did this vision concern? A. Obadiah 1 Edom. Q. Who are the people of Edom? A. Esau, Jacobs twin brother. Q. What was Edoms problem? A. Obadiah 2-4 Judgment was coming! Q. What happens to folks who are esteemed for their wisdom and understanding apart from God? A. Obadiah 8 They get judged with all the rest of godless people. Q. Why judgement on Edom? A. Obadiah 10 = Edom did violence to Jacob/Israel, his own brother. Q. How? A. Obadiah 11 = Edom didnt help Israel when his enemies came. Q. Whats wrong with minding my own business? A. Obadiah 11 = It is the same as making oneself an enemy and doing physical harm. Note: Are you lacking concern for your brother in trouble? Ask God to pour compassion on you so that you can show it to your brother. Let God show you if and when to help. Q. When my brother is under the rod of discipline, he is an easy target. Is this the time to back off and watch my words? A. Obadiah 11-12 = Yes. Otherwise, you will find yourself gloating at his expense. Note: Gloating is so easy to do! When you find yourself gloating on an easy target, decide to pray, speak blessings on him instead. Do not be overcome by evil, but let evil be overcome by good. Q. What did Edom do to Israel when they were being defeated by their enemies? A. Obadiah 13-14 = 1 Edom plundered Israel 2) looted their homes 3) made themselves rich at Israels expense 4) killed those fleeing from their enemies 5) captured Israelites and handed them over to their enemies. Q. What will Edoms judgment be like? A. Obadiah 15 = The same they did for Israel will happen to them. Q. God spared Israel and will always spare her. Will God leave a remnant of Esau too? A. Obadiah 16 = No. Esau will drink and stagger and disappear from history, as though they never existed. Q. Who will destroy Esau/Edom? A. Obadiah 18 = Jacob/Israel will destroy his twin brother Esau/Edom. Q. What will become of the land of Edom? A. Obadiah 19 = Gods people will be spread all over it. Q. Who does Obadiah mention as the places occupied by Edom? A. Obadiah 19 = 1) Philistines (Goliath) 2) Ephraim 3) Samaria 4) Gilead mean (Benjamin would occupy it) 5) Phoenicia mean (Israelite exiles) 6) Zarepheth mean (will live here) Q. When this happens, what will also occur? A. Obadiah 21 = The Lord Himself will be King in Zion. Note: This remains future prophecy yet to be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 09:25:04 +0000

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