Read this. I am one eighth aboriginal .Which makes my children - TopicsExpress


Read this. I am one eighth aboriginal .Which makes my children 1/16 What a load of crap. They wont breed us out. My nan Doreen Fraser was a mighty woman as was her father Jimmy Lawton. Nanna was born on the Warigo and she worked hard all her life and educated all of her children in a catholic religion. She taught herself to read and write. She reared me and several of her grand children and taught us our lingo and to be proud to be black. I remember growing up nanna owned a car before most white fellows had cars They were still on horse back and sulky. Nanna used to say to me about the white fellows still being barefoot. Nan used to dress up to the knockers.I remember her as a little girl she used to wear panty hose and brooches and had a beautiful collection of hats. We lived in some poor conditions but nanna always kept a clean home. You could est of her floor it wad that clean. And she would iron . Mind you with a kero or iron on stove all her tea towels and linen and starch everything. When we were kids she would make our cloths and starch every thing stiff. And nans old sisters aunty Irene. Aunty coleen. Aunty Heather. Aunty Isabel were all beautiful hard working woman as were her brother UncleBill . Uncle Stev.Uncle Tom Uncle Herb.Ted. there were 23 of them All different . We still speak our dilect because we are proud. And I am proud to be black. We are a proud people .
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:39:33 +0000

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