*Read this and understand why David Stockman became a pariah in - TopicsExpress


*Read this and understand why David Stockman became a pariah in the GOP. In this interview he reveals some truths that all Americans need to be aware of. AI~David Stockman: This isn’t surprising. The Republicans are no longer a political party. They are a gang, a coalition of ideological gangs. You have the neo cons, the tax cons, the social cons, and the just cons. … On the fundamental fiscal issues they don’t agree at all. It’s totally fractured. The neo cons want a bigger defense budget. We have a 650 billion dollar war machine. They did not get the memo that the gold war ended over 25 years ago. There are a few thousand terrorists left. You don’t need a war machine that big. By the way, when Clinton left the Whitehouse it was 400 billion dollars in today’s dollars. So they argue we can’t do sequester. We ought to be cutting much more. So that divides the party. Then you have the tax cons who still believe in the magic napkin. Just grow your way out of it. We’ve had 30 years to prove you can’t. … We have the social cons, the social issue people who don’t care. Then all the Republicans who have been talking about big spending who won’t stand up and take on social security means testing. Not cutting the people who need it. … David Stockman was the architect of Reagan’s supply side policies. He admitted in an article in the Atlantic Monthly, “The Education of David Stockman”, that the huge Reagan tax cut was a Trojan horse to bring down the top tax rate. He also admitted that supply side theory was just a method of selling trickle-down economics by a different and acceptable name. David Stockman has remained Conservative. He has all but dispatched the possibility of trickle-down economics, supply side economics working. He has been trying to atone for the severe damage Republican policies have exacted on the American economy for many years now. Hopefully more of his comrades, the ideological gangs, will begin to listen.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 02:09:05 +0000

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Why hasnt anybody pitched the idea for a tv show like Shark Tank
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