Read this (copied): I know alot of you guys dont DJ so ill just - TopicsExpress


Read this (copied): I know alot of you guys dont DJ so ill just tell you whats happening here: NEITHER of the CD playing devices are on... well they are powered, but its like when your tv is on but your watching a channel that you havent purchased so nothing happens. The knobs she is touching next to the green lights are called EQs, they allow you to balance the various levels of songs appropriately while you are mixing. They go top to bottom: highs, mids, and lows. Paris only has one song playing at a time and is fiddling with the mids of the only track playing to look like shes doing something. That is like laying on the horn of a car to prove to people outside the car that it is being driven, instead of just driving it like a normal person you have to blow out everyones ears so that you can say LOOK IM DRIVING LOOK AT ME IM CONTROLLING THIS VEHICLE, while you are obviously not. Also everyone likes when the mid level of a song, which makes up alot of the sound that IS that song, gets horrendously quiet and muffled and turned down for similar reasons of letting the DJ look like she is doing somthing. Or anything for that matter. So if neither of the CDJs (thats what the cd playing devices are called) are on, and her tragic misuse of the EQs arent really audibly affecting the music, then there really is only one conclusion you can make: IT IS A PRERECORDED MIX RUNNING FROM HER LAPTOP STRAIGHT THROUGH THE MIXER TO THE SPEAKERS. Given how easy it is to mix songs that all have the same structure and speed, and that Paris is still not doing that live, its also safe to assume that she didnt even MAKE the mix that she is playing, and probably just picked a few songs for her boyfriend to blend haphazardly. So if you ever hear anyone say that they are going to spend money to go see Paris Hilton DJ for virtually a million dollars a set, I want you to literally jam your fingers down your throat and vomit on thier shoes to make a crystal clear point that they totally deserve it.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 16:11:12 +0000

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