Read to the end; Da intelligent ppl in ndc argue da pad is - TopicsExpress


Read to the end; Da intelligent ppl in ndc argue da pad is important cus a research shows a majority of gals miss skuul every 3-5days mthly cus of da shame dey face when dey stain demselves, uniforms, desks etc wif blood at skuul, all cus dey cant afford pads to soak up da blood well. Meaning if da pads r shared, it will help sustain da gal-child educatn cus most gals wont hv to miss school cus of dat. I must say its laudable ba these r questions n problems i hv as a critical thinker, analyser n critic n dey r; a) from da info available to GHians, des pads r supposed not to b shared to all skuul gals ba da needy, sick etc stds in GH who will b lucky to get da scholarship, meaning only abt 40% of da gals will get some, so wat abt da 60% left who nid these pads ba cant afford, hw do da govt intend to kip dem also in skuul during their menses... 2) since dis is going to b funded by loan, it will mean when govt doesnt gt access to a loan to fund dis, des gals will thus b wifout pads n thus wont come to skuul cus we all know hw much govt is struggling for certain loans of which he isnt getting cus foriegn donors feel our economy is too weak to give us loans, also dey see our depreciating cedi as a problem for us to pay back if we r given a loan etc. 3)why is da govt soo eager to provide pads instead of da chalks da schools r cying for to teach des gals esp when we all know des chalks r essntial for teachn da pads or is true as dey say dat dis pad fing is only meant for rituals? #the two reason above all show dat dis move is nidless. As a result, my soln to govt is; 1)da govt shd make our economy better(appreciation of da cedi against da foriegn currencies, avoid da increament of fuel, utility bills etc cus des affect da prices of all fings locally n internationally produced) so dat fings will b cheap. 2)create more jobs to reduce unemployment so dat ppl will b employed. #If these n other measures r put in place then fings will b cheap n ppl will hv moni in their pocket to spend, so in da short n long run, ppl will b able to provide their female siblings, relatives, friends wif pads. #catch fish for 1 n he will go hungry when u r not around ba teach 1 hw to fish n he will fish plenty to feed a popn when u r not around..
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:37:43 +0000

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