Read your Bible through in a year: Acts 9, 10, 11: Yesterday we - TopicsExpress


Read your Bible through in a year: Acts 9, 10, 11: Yesterday we left off with Philip, one of the disciples, preaching to an Ethiopian eunuch on his way home from worshiping God in Jerusalem. Today we pick up with Saul’s conversion. Saul persecuted the church and threatened many things to all the disciples of Jesus, even going to the high priest for letters authorizing him to bring any that he found bound to Jerusalem. Saul journeyed toward Damascus, then a bright light shone around him and a voice from heaven asked him why he persecuted Him. Saul asked who was speaking and the voice from heaven said that it was Jesus and told Saul that it was hard for him to kick against the goads. When Saul heard this he trembled and asked what he must do. Jesus told him to go into the city and he would be instructed from there. All the men who traveled with Saul were speechless because they heard the voice but did not see anyone. Then Saul opened his eyes but could not see and he was lead into Damascus. There he went three days without sight and did not eat or drink. In Damascus was a disciple, Ananias, who God instructed in a vision to minister to Saul. At first, Ananias would not go for fear of Saul, but God assured him that Saul was a chosen vessel of His to preach the gospel. So Ananias went, prayed for Saul, scales fell off Saul’s eyes, he was given food, strengthened, and was baptized. Saul spent some days with the disciples in Damascus. Saul preached in Damascus that Jesus was the Christ and many were confounded because of him. At that, the Jews plotted to kill Saul, but the disciples heard about the plot and sent Saul over the wall at night in a large basket. In Jerusalem, the disciples did not believe that Saul was a disciple and were all afraid of him, but Barnabas brought Saul to the apostles (the twelve) to present his case. Saul spoke boldly and debated with the Hellenists, but there was another attempt to kill him. So the disciples sent Saul away to Tarsus to study. At this time, the church prospered and all were edified, walking in the fear of the Lord and the comfort of the Spirit. At this time, Peter was going through all the country and healed many. In Lydia Peter healed a man named Aeneas who had been bedridden for eight years, so all of Lydia turned to the Lord. In Joppa Peter healed a disciple named Tabitha (translated Dorcas) who was full of good works, but she became sick and died so those there washed her and put her in an upper room. The disciples in Joppa sent to the nearby Lydia for Peter so he went and prayed, raising Tabitha from the dead. Because of this many in Joppa believed on the Lord. Further, in Caesarea, a man named Cornelius received a vision with instructions to send for Peter so he could tell him what to do. So Cornelius sent two trusted servants. As the servants traveled, Peter went to the housetop to pray. While Peter was waiting for food (because he was very hungry) he fell into a trance and saw a vision. Heaven opened up and a great sheet bound at the the four corners came down to the earth, and on it were all kinds of animals. A voice told Peter to rise, kill, and eat. This vision was repeated three times. When Cornelius’ servants were at the gate asking for Peter, Peter wondered about the vision. The Spirit told Peter that there were three men looking for him and that he should not hesitate to go with them because He had sent them. So Peter went. The following day Peter was introduced to Cornelius and his family. Cornelius bowed down and worshiped Peter, but Peter told him that he was also a man and commanded him to stand up. Cornelius recapped his vision and presented all those who were with him to hear what Peter had to say from God. So Peter preached the gospel to Cornelius’ household and the Holy Spirit fell on them. All of the Jews that heard were astonished because the gentiles had received the Holy Spirit as they had, so Peter asked if anyone could forbid them from being baptized in water, and it was so. Read this section for yourself!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:44:59 +0000

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