Read your Bible through in a year: Luke 4, 5, 6, 7: Yesterday - TopicsExpress


Read your Bible through in a year: Luke 4, 5, 6, 7: Yesterday we left off with the genealogy of Jesus through Joseph. Today we pick up with Jesus’ fast in the wilderness. After being baptized by John in the Jordan, Jesus was lead by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan and eating nothing for forty days, so He was hungry. Satan tempted Jesus three times, as recorded, after the forty days were over and Jesus refuted each temptation with scripture. Then Jesus began His ministry in Galilee, teaching in the synagogues. In Nazareth, Jesus taught at the synagogue as was His custom and the people rejected Him there because they presumed He was Joseph’s son. Jesus’ teachings even angered the people of Nazareth. In Capernaum Jesus taught at the synagogue and the people were astonished because He taught with authority, not as the scribes. There He also cast out a demon and the people were astonished. Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law and she served them. On the Sabbath, after sunset, Jesus healed many people and cast out demons. As Jesus went from place to place preaching, the people begged Him to stay but He had to preach to all the people He was sent to. Next up, Jesus taught a great multitude at the Lake of Gennesaret and asked a fisherman team to push out from the land. As He taught He instructed the fishermen to cast out their nets. Even though they had fished all night and caught nothing they let down their nets and caught so much fish they had to call their partners from another boat to help. Once they were back on land the four fishermen left everything and followed Jesus. Jesus was seen by a leper who fell at His feet and confessed his faith, so Jesus healed the man and sent him away. This report went around and Jesus became famous, so He had to retreat and pray often. Other healings include the paralytic who was brought in from the roof tops. Jesus proclaimed that the paralytic’s sins were forgiven him and the scribes and Pharisees took offense to this. Jesus told them that He said this to show than the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins. Then Jesus called a tax collector, Matthew, to follow Him. Matthew put on a feast at his house and Jesus ate with other tax collectors and sinners, for which the scribes and Pharisees murmured against Him. Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. Jesus was asked why John the Baptist and his disciples fasted often but Jesus and His disciples did not. Here Jesus taught them in parables to illustrate that Jesus’ disciples had a reason to not fast. After this, on a Sabbath, Jesus and His disciples plucked grain from the fields and ate, but the Pharisees were upset about this. Jesus reminded them that David and his men at the showbread when it was not lawful for anyone but the priests. Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath. On another Sabbath Jesus went to the synagogue to teach and there was a man with a withered hand. Jesus asked if it was lawful to do good or evil on the Sabbath but no one answered so He healed the man’s hand and the scribes and Pharisees were angry, seeking to kill Jesus. Jesus went and prayed all night and the next day called His disciples to Him. From these He chose twelve to be apostles. They came down and were met by a great multitude which Jesus healed all those who were sick and demon possessed. Here Jesus also taught the Beatitudes and other wise words and parables. After this Jesus went into Capernaum and a centurion met Jesus and asked Him to heal his servant. The centurion told Jesus that he understood authority and insisted that all Jesus had to do was speak the word and his servant would be healed. Jesus marveled at this and said that this is greater faith than what He had found in all Israel. The servant was healed. Next, Jesus went to a city called Nain. He saw a funeral procession and had compassion on the widow burying her only son, so He brought the widow’s son back to life. Jesus’ fame spread from there. John the Baptist sent messengers to Jesus asking if He was the coming Christ. Jesus told them to tell John what they saw, and blessed those who were not offended because of Him. When they left, Jesus taught concerning John the Baptist. John was the prophet which fulfilled scripture of the messenger sent before the Messiah to prepare His way. John is the greatest prophet, but even the least of the kingdom of heaven are greater than John. The common people heard Jesus and justified God, but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected it. Jesus said that the men of this generation were like children in the marketplace but no one danced. John came and fasted, but Jesus came eating and drinking and neither pleased the scribes, lawyers, and Pharisees. At dinner with the Pharisees, a woman came with a costly jar of alabaster oil and anointed Jesus, cleaning His feet with her tears and hair. The Pharisees were indignant about this, and Jesus taught them in a parable about a creditor with two debtors. The host did nothing to honor his guests, but this woman anointed Jesus’ head with oil and washed His feet with her tears. Jesus forgave the woman for her sins and the Pharisees asked who Jesus was to even forgive sins. Jesus sent the woman away in peace, saying that her faith had saved her. Read this section for yourself!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:04:50 +0000

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