***Reader Needs Advice*** NO BASHING!!! My ex and i were - TopicsExpress


***Reader Needs Advice*** NO BASHING!!! My ex and i were together for 5 years had a gorgeous little girl. 6 months after our daughter was born he hooked up with a mutual coworker and we ended things immediately. Within a year they ended things and he moved onto another female and during this time our daughter is a year and a half and one night we went out for dinner and ended up hooking up and continued hooking up til about 2 years ago then i met someone else and he continued his relationship with the same female. Well our daughter is now 5 and her father and his same girlfriend are now pregnant and shes almost due and hes been asking to come over for mommy and daddy time and as a grown woman i know maybe hes having jitters of settling down or maybe wants to get it out of his system but what does it mean? I dont look for him or hang with him nor do i communicate with anyone he speaks with! I work, go to school and take care of our child. I just dont get it. I know I was wrong in the past for allowing him to cheat but ive def put my foot down and he just doesnt give up.Could he be having mixed emotions?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 13:15:48 +0000

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