***Reader Needs Advice*** NO BASHING!!! My now Ex-wife and I - TopicsExpress


***Reader Needs Advice*** NO BASHING!!! My now Ex-wife and I have been working on our relationship. Reason she is the Ex is because she was caught cheating just over a year ago. My question is NOT about her but about a mutual “friend” we have and thoughts about his acctions. A few months ago, She had told me she was on her way home from her girlfriends house around 11:30 PM. When she didn’t arrive 30 minutes later (time it takes to drive from friends house to ours – YES, she lives with me in my home) I got worried something may of happened so I called and texted her. No answer no replies to my text messages. We have lost our phones in the past so we both have tracking software on them in order to recover them. I know this so, I tracked her cell only to find it was miles away over by a mutual “friends” house. Because she has cheated in the past, so my gut feeling kicked in. I check her cell records as her cell in on my account and sure enough his number is on there a few times. I tried calling her again only to find out the phone was shut OFF so I can’t track its location. (she later told me this is why it was off) I call our mutual “friend” and apologize for calling so late, it was well after midnight, and flat out ask him. Are you with her or have you heard from her? He flat out lied and told me NO, and last he heard she was at her girlfriends house (he’s also friends with her) but NO he’s at home. Well when she FINALLY arrives home well after 1:30 am. and I confront her she tells me Yes, she went to see him and discuss a surprise birthday party for me and she knows I can track her cell so once she got to him she shut it off. I asked if she was there when he and I spoke, and he denied being with her. She said, Yes, I was sitting right in front of him when he was telling you he hadn’t seen or heard from me. I was VERY pissed and to this day neither can explain why it had to be discussed in person at that hour of the night for that long when it could have been a 10 minute phone call during the day. He Months later said he lied only because it would ruin the surprise party. That brings us to this last weekend. I was working a second job at a bar (rarely do this) so she said she was going to get her nails done and then come to the bar. She got out of work at 4:30 and went to get them done. Well 7:00 comes around and nothing, she’s MIA again. I call and text and no replies. She FINALLY calls me around 11:00 and tells me she was at the mall and then dinner with another girlfriend (one I don’t care for – her “helper” in the affair that caused the divorce) It’s now Saturday morning and I go on Facebook only to see her friend had posted from home about her computer problems, at the time she said they were together. I call her out and she gives all kinds of stories but insists they were together. Sunday comes around and we had to meet up with the guy mentioned above we all hung out and everyone acted normal shook my hand and we had a good time. Well Monday is now here and I still have a gut feeling so I called the friend I dislike and asked when the last time she and my Ex hung out. She replied I haven’t seen or talked to her in months.! I then called our mutual friend, and ask him, Were you with her on Friday night? He tells me this whole story how sick he was and how everyone called him to go out but he stayed home alone all day.! She comes home after work and is “mad” I called our mutual friend and shows me a text message he sent her asking why I contacted him and how he’s OUR friend and wants to be kept out of our issues. This leads to a huge fight where she ended up attempting to take her own life. She was rushed to the ER and was admitted to a “program” well she calls me and tells me she had hit rock bottom and but wants me and to come home to me and our daughter (I have custody) She days later was released and I tell her she has to come clean and tell me her where about that last Friday. She tells me she WAS with our mutual friend and how he told her no one could know they were together and that they just spent the day at the Mall and then he took her to a restaurant to eat. She says how he told her to be careful with her cell and to always delete everything. When I asked about the text she showed me she tells me how he contacted her on Facebook messenger so I wouldn’t see his number on my cell bill and told her to go along with a fake text so they could both show me as proof of their conversation. The whole time she was in the ER and then admitted to the program she was in, I posted on her Facebook page asking the person who took her to the Mall and then to eat to man up and come forward as she was currently in the hospital. He never stepped up and said it was him. NOW that I know, I’ve told some of our friends that is was in fact him. He has also reached out to them telling them it was all innocent and he doesn’t have anything to hide and I’m over reacting to everything. The issue is HE is the President of an organization we are both members of. He has done a lot for the organization and will never be voted out or step down. Am I over reacting? Why did he lie? If it was innocent why not come forward when she was in the ER? Why was he coaching her on how to hide everything? Why stage the fake text messages? If it was because I would be mad about it, why go ahead and do it?
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 17:15:00 +0000

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