Readers of the world, Changes Are Among Us In the past - TopicsExpress


Readers of the world, Changes Are Among Us In the past centuries, a lot of events have occurred that have changed or shaped this world. In recent times events such as World War 1 & 2, September 11 bombings, the capture of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden, the people of America electing their first black president, natural disasters happening around the world and the list does go on. Millions of people have died during these events, people have also died trying to make a change, some have succeeded in some parts of the world and others have died trying. I believe one person’ voice can encourage and inspire others to stand and fight for what is right. There have been many great people who have walked on this Earth that have tried making a better change or inspired people in many ways. This dates back to the man named Jesus Christ who inspired many parts of the world, in recent time’s people such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King JR, Albert Einstein and Mother Teresa. That is to name a few great icons to ever live. Whether it was to inspire, invent or help the unfortunate these great icons made a change. In the 21st century people are afraid to come out and let their voices be heard, we live in a world where it’s controlled by many leaders, and the thought of being killed for trying to make a change scares people. The society doesn’t realise that one person can make a change, if the rest of the world follows. Freedom of speech they call it, but no one takes advantage of it. People usually only believe what they see and hear, the problem these days is, they don’t bother looking outside their window to find the truth. I’m certain 98% of the world would want to live in a world where discrimination of any kind doesn’t exist, where everyone would be treated equally, where there would be no third world countries and people live in peace without looking over their shoulders wondering if their country is going to get attacked or their family is going to get kidnapped. World War 3 is not far from us, the events occurring around the world are leading to it. There was an article on the news which I read, it was about two little Muslim teenage girls in Pakistan, they were dancing in the rain and having fun, they got killed for it. Now no matter what religion you are or what you believe in, that should not be happening. Christians getting killed for being Christians, Muslims getting accused and being called terrorist for every attack that happens in the world, gay marriage not being accepted in society, these are all some examples of what a scary world we live in. People are scared to walk outside their doors in some parts of the world due to these events occurring. The late Henry David Thoreau once said: “ “You must live in the present, launce yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island opportunities and look towards another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.” Think back to all those New Year resolutions you all make before the New Year begins, in them you plan to change your lifestyle for the better, but how many of you actually go through with it? Most of those New Year resolutions end up in the bin, not if everyone followed through with them and changed their lifestyle, that’s the first step to changing the world to a better place. It all starts by changing ourselves for the better, whether it’s a small change, or a big one. Don’t waste time complaining about what went wrong in your past. “Look at it, learn from it and then move past it.” Now it might take a very long time to make a change, but think about your children, grandchildren; would you like them to live in a world where being a certain race, religion or gender will have an effect on the way you live your life, or in a world where everyone is treated equally no matter what religion, race or gender they are. It can be done; I am a strong believer of change. If everyone deep down wanted a change, it can happen. Don’t wait for something to lead you to a better change, do it yourself. I’ll leave you guys with a quote I wrote a long time ago, it use to help me get through tough times. “There’s nothing to fear, you’re as good as the best, as strong as the mightiest and as smart as the wisest. There’s not a battle or a test you cannot win, because there’s no one like you. So face the world and life is yours, you will find happiness that endures in the measures you give. There’s nothing too good for you to have, nor nothing to high you cannot reach. You have powers that are beyond your belief; it’s something you need to know. There’s nothing to fear, you can and you will, set your foot on the highest hill, there’s nothing you cannot do.” Don’t wait for a change, make the change. I know that one day we shall live in a better world, a world where fear is nothing but a meaning in the dictionary.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 03:07:36 +0000

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