Readers post Just looking for advice from fellow mums. - TopicsExpress


Readers post Just looking for advice from fellow mums. Reluctantly i had to put my first born in the staff kids nursery at my place of work in Gloucester. I dont like leaving my child especially as everytime i pick them up Im told that they have been naughty, it seems to go over my childs head and dont get me wrong, they are no angel but are not that bad at home. Today, i decided (right or wrong) to arrive 10 minutes early to pick them up and stayed by the window out of sight to listen in just to try and hear anything. I was appalled when i heard staff shouting at my child in quite an aggressive manner that Im not comfortable with. As i listened i also had a great insight into the personal lifes of the staff including how one was romantically pursuing a colleague of mine & what they got up to when they were young. All said in front of preschoolers. I quickly collected my child, was told he had been naughty again and left. So here is my question; Am i over reacting? Should nursery staff shout at my child? Should they talk about pursuing a child in their cares father? Should they discuss their personal lifes all IN FRONT of impressionable pre schoolers? I should confront them? Talk to the manager? Pull my child out? Not want these particular staff members near my child? I know that i dont want to send my child back tomorrow and i feel incredibly guilty.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:26:59 +0000

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