Reading Interior castle By Teresa of Avilla. I had reached 6 th - TopicsExpress


Reading Interior castle By Teresa of Avilla. I had reached 6 th mansion in the reading when I came across this while she was talking about the trials one goes through who has reach this mansion.An outcry is made by the people whom she a person whom she is acquainted with and even those whom she is not acquainted with,a person who she never in her life supposed would think about her at all.How Holy she is getting they exclaimed. or she is only going to these extremes to deceive the world and make other people look sinful when really they are better Christians.....Then people who she thought were her friends abandon her and it is they that say the worst thing of all... she is going to perdition and Obviously she is deluded that this is the devils work... And they actually go to confessor and tells them so. (pg87) .. Hm I stop and thought and was like wow I know what this feels like. Not saying I am entering or have reach anywhere near the sixth Mansion cause this I am unsure but I do know some of the trials I experienced and seemed to go through are just like this. I wonder what it is in the Body that causes us to react like this to people who have reach a high status. What could it be that causes others to react this way. I believed everyone can receive these things of God if they strive for them. But more important I am smiling thinking wow this is all some type of test to see how I will love these that do that or how I respond. But I have grown the way I responded in the beginning is different than it is now. Now I just let it past and not respond. Besides there is no gain from responding in any way to these types of attacks. There is nothing we can do to change anyones mind or change anyones choice to participate. So I forgive and focus on Christ leaving it to him while praying for those who do such things. Thinking their pain must go deep and this is their reason for their actions. I never thought their actions were a response to where they saw me in my struggle. This puts new light on the situations. As I pondered about how I should revised my perception of their actions. Maybe their attempts to discredit me I should see as a compliment whether it is accurate or not seeing it as them who see me being farther or closer to God than I really am... HM will see if I can find this book online so those who want to read and learn from it will find it free to ponder the knowledge being shared.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 21:59:31 +0000

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