Reading Titus 2 this morning. I found a couple jewels that are - TopicsExpress


Reading Titus 2 this morning. I found a couple jewels that are spot on for the current moment. First, in 2:10 Paul addresses the reason we should remain visibly steady, loyal. It literally increases others likelihood to adorn the doctrine of God. Pastor preached about doctrine yesterday morning. I must say, I am sorrowed to see the very thing God intended to keep His Church unified is being twisted to divide it. The missionary who spoke last night, (not knowing Pastors morning sermon) told us this: there are 35,000 Christian denominations known to exist presently. What happens when men get hung up on doctrine, is division. Personally, I have been reared by two pastors in my saved life. Both have differing views of one or two particular theories. Two different translations. I must say, I am not 100% in agreement with their every exact thought either. I cant count the sermons Ive heard where I amend all of the message except for one point. However, I did not discount the whole sermon. And I seek my own answers in the Word, always. Even my mother and I are non eye to eye on one is that of the rapture. She believes we will most likely be caught up at the initiation of Tribulation. I think slightly otherwise. Im not even convinced there will be what many call a rapture. And yes, Ive read the verses this belief hinges on. I DO believe Jesus is coming back! I have no doubt He keeps His Word! :) I just cant say when. The Word says even Jesus knows not...till the Father says go. I wont get bogged down in the scriptures of either side of this...for it is a source of much disagreement and division in Christs body. I will state this, though.... I dont know if Jesus will take us pre-trib, mid-trib, or at the end...I just know Hes coming!! It doesnt matter when, we just need to be ready at all times! Right? I also believe we need to be strong in the Lord in order to endure... I try to avoid arguing with folks on this and other issues for the very reason I find in Titus 3:9. I dont have my own ideas about tongues, water baptism, Holy Ghost encounters, or timings for Jesus return. Nor should i. What i must do is adopt what is revealed, in the Word, by Gods Holy Spirit. He reveals things when we seek them, so long as that is in the right spirit. I tend to reckon there is no honor in seeking scripture to be right...honor flows when we seek for God to be right! yes? Also, I must accept that some things are a mystery, and may be so until Christ comes. Im ok with that too...because I trust God. :) Anyways, my train of thought, which sprung from these verses, is that our lifestyles induce Godly doctrine. Not arguing. Or separating ourselves. This is how satn divides the Bride. The Church is made up of people. So there will def be differences. Thats a given when human factor is involved. But make no mistake, friends...God is coming back for a UNIFIED Body! And the things we disagree over will not be a good enough excuse for division...ya think? Jesus final prayer in Gethsemane, on the precipe of His brutal sacrifice for us all, was themed with one thing. Unity! In light of that, only one thing is sure that we must agree on... Him! Jesus! If i never speak in tongues, I KNOW that my salvation is hinged on the cross and what He did. Nothing else. Some of the holiest people I know never spoke in tongues. By holy, I mean nearer to God than the world. :) I love my mother deeply. I am confirmed we both shall live eternally with Jesus too. Regardless of our differing thoughts on the rapture. Many men of God have left this earth never knowing ALL the truths of the Bible. I dare say, no-one can claim to. When one single scripture is loaded with many truths! I learn one thing from it, and 3 years later learn yet another...and so on. And the Word is eternal and will never pass away. I actually envision Jesus teaching me more in eternity! yes! :) Galations 5 lists two sides... flesh, and love. In verse 20 the word variance is used. It means- debate, contention, etc... Its lumped right along with words like idolatry, murder, etc.. !! In fact its mentioned 3 times in three definitions, in this text! variance, strife, seditions. That makes it rather important. And Id assume the devil knows this too. Might be why he uses it so cleverly. Could it be he is deceiving the Body, here and there, into thinking we cannot unify because of doctrines? Or our personal lean on them? Agreed, there are valid separations amongst Religions. We do not worship Buddha. Or Mohammed. Im only talking about Christian faith here. Do we really need 35,000 denominations of Christianity??? Note that the rest of this Galations chapter goes right into the Fruits of the Spirit. THESE are the things we might outta be focusing on... You know what? God called my family to the church we attend. And He has reminded us of that periodically. So whether the person who sits in front of me was baptized in the name of Jesus, or in the Trinity-- it doesnt affect our love for them. And it shouldnt. Unity thrives like this. Ephesians says, we are not unaware of the devils schemes. He will even use the Word if he can, for a house divided cannot stand. This morning, I agree with Jesus prayer. For us to, through Him, be one in the Father. For our love for one another to be greater than our differing thoughts. For my own desire to convince be squashed and just let the desire of God permeate my mind. Till I am decreased so much, only the Truth of Salvation is important. May I lead others to Christ, and not to doctrines. I repent for ever doing otherwise....Selah.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 10:05:06 +0000

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