Reading a book about a whole plateau in France where many people - TopicsExpress


Reading a book about a whole plateau in France where many people just resisted the fascists in some way, and it was based on people just being good. When I see white middle schoolers in Colorado walking out because they dont want to be killed, nor their classmates by the Police! This violent racist society and vicious system is under attack! By really good people. Its an explosion of goodness; that is what I felt in that millions march in New York on Saturday, on Long Island in Amityville. . People are actually being human and nice. This movement is an explosion of love and anger and kindness. The marchers are not part of this nasty, necrophilic, nihilistic, narcissistic, neoliberal racist society. People are rejecting this hypocritical mendacious corrupting society, the superstructure of capitalism. When they chant, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Shut the whole system down, they are opposing This System. They know its names: capitalism, and imperialism, and they need to learn the details. International solidarity with us is amazing, especially from Palestine and Ukraine, places where people are killed for who they are and who they are not. I Palestinians are teaching internationalism. So are the people of Donbas, but they are new and not well known. The Palestinians have been in this struggle for a century or more. Peoples consciousness is changing in the US There has been a real turning. I am so optimistic. So thats why I think this idea of having a celebration of the cops at New Yorks City Hall is a bad idea. [It may be actually called, Blue Lives Matter#, which just has to be a joke, but may not be.. In my mind, they and their minions come to City Hall. But then a line of banners surround them on every side, and behind them are so many people stretching out to the boroughs, across the bridges and up the main avenues! I mean, people could really sock in City Hall! And all these people who are marching all the time in New York and all over this country really hate police brutality and murder officially exonerated. They hate racism. So the stupid arrogant gun-totin New York City Police Department wants to have a demonstration at City hall for themselves, for killing Eric Garner. Its not unbelievable. They are armed, and psyched and mad, and itching for a fight. This is consciously, currently and suddenly an incredibly polarized society; just when the rich just got a whole lot richer than they were last year, and the people are a whole lot poorer. . But people take on the struggle, not on the timetable or direction of the enemy.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 03:12:10 +0000

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