Reading about other peoples experiences with depression ... is - TopicsExpress


Reading about other peoples experiences with depression ... is truly depressing. After wading through several hundred msgs, here and elsewhere, I am feeling very down. Theres a black cloud in the room. In a bit, Ill get up, Ill give the dog a cookie, Ill go outside and enjoy the back yard for a bit, Ill get myself centered again, and Ill be quietly grateful I have the ability to do that when there are so many who cant move through their moods as easily. Someone said -- and I think this is particularly perceptive -- that depression makes it difficult, impossible, to feel any of the positive emotions. Thats a profound insight, because its a pointer to whats going on in the brain, whether its chemical or emotional or something else. Those people who arent living with depression know how to move through their moods, or at least they recognize that feelings are transient -- theyre like farts, they go away. But for people trapped in the emotional/chemical imbalance, thats not true. It doesnt end, its the continuing condition of life. To those who have the ability to move on, dealing with someone elses depression is frustrating and exasperating -- because they dont get it that the depressed person cant move on the way you can. But as frustrating and as exasperating as it might be to be a support system for someone whos dealing with depression, imagine what its like for the person whos actually living inside it -- they cant even feel the same frustration and exasperation and anger that you do. Depression is an assassin. It steals the life out of life. Thats why we have to view it as a major public-health crisis.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:47:30 +0000

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