Reading carefully the experiments cannot categorically say whether - TopicsExpress


Reading carefully the experiments cannot categorically say whether the observing 1 or 1,5 degree (K) radiation comes from the so called big bang or from the cosmic dust…..the same is about polarization of this radiation….so what proofing these experiments?...the simple answer is nothing!...there are some physicists who obstinately don’t like to reform their views, no matter what is the reality! So I appeal to these gentleman to answer to the following objections: I wonder haw physicists can fall in such deep delusion, or maybe this award it isn’t fairly decided, but let see the number of physical delusions: First the inflation shown here like theory is incorrect if there it isn’t proof whether the so called dark energy exist or not. If we haven’t such experimental confirmation this theory simply is uselessly. Immediately I suggest the truly answer about the inflation and relic radiation: Inflation theory it isn’t actual, because of the inertial character of the field (any field, see USM kanevuniverse ), which means that there expand our position on the galaxy, namely our Sun position, which was born on the center-area in our galaxy (at which radius you can see in USM) and after that this radius expanded until we reach to the periphery of our galaxy, where the Sun will die. Because of the inertial character of the field each new mass by which the light ray come will include this mass in dynamically interaction with our mass, which shows like dispersing of the masses. Because the including masses increases continuously this expansion will accelerate, exactly as we observe in reality. So there is no dark energy, but about the dark mass, you can see in USM, it exist but not in the nowadays imagination. So there is not big bang, it’s never happen in nowadays imagination. There is beginning but it is in any galaxy including ours……more in USM! About the relic radiation measurement….That measurement is correct and very useful, but not like a proving ground of the big bang, because such event never happen….why? Well, You can convince yourself if you are willing to read carefully: USM kanevuniverse There You can see that to explain the unity of the fields: gravitation, electrostatic and nuclear, You need to accept the endless number of spaces, tree of them is our space, subspace and over space…. What are these spaces You can see on the shown site. The examined radiation, according to USM is radiation of the subspace where is situated the so call dark matter, which is obviously not so dark. This radiation indeed is around 13 billion years old, because this is the age of the Sun, which was born on the center of our galaxy and shifting towards the periphery of the galaxy, after around 13 bln years the Sum will die. So the temperature of this dark matter in the center of our galaxy is so huge that after that amount of years the temperature decreases into several degree ( K). Because the Sun was born from this very young matter (what exactly is this matter You can see on the site shown above), shifting towards the periphery of the galaxy, there gradually is forms the basic particles from the so call proto particle, namely: proton, electron and neutrino and they gradually become heavier and the neutrino becomes lighter, the micro cosmos is thickening and macro cosmos is expand. That is why we observe from our point of view (periphery of our galaxy) the examined radiation as like only several degree (K), but if we sink into the subspace and become part from it, then this temperature will be commensurable with the temperature of the known stars in our galaxy. The different temperature places of this relic radiation, has nothing to do with discussed hypothetical big bang. Moreover in present imagination of big bang we cannot explain how this radiation exist without any mass carrier, but only like post factor of some hypothetical event – called big bang . And contradiction of this theory with the special theory of relativity, see this: Brian interesting question: “can the universe expand faster than speed of light” and you answer “yes because the space itself can expand as well”. Well, I’m not convinced that this is the right answer…why? Let me explain: According to USM kanevuniverse the expansion of the universe looks like this only from our point of observation – radius position of our Sun in our galaxy, which means that because our Sun was born on the center of our galaxy (almost on the center), during its movement towards the periphery and aging, more and more new masses (from our galaxy and then beyond) comes to existence (only for us) and more and more masses add towards the inertia of beginning ones, which disturbs the equilibrium between the centripetal and centrifugal forces in any existing so far orbital systems and to restore the equilibrium the space begin to expand (see USM). That is possible because in the universe doesn’t exist absolutely independently space, but only as a distances between the masses, which always are formed through orbital systems. Whether this expansion is actually real or not? For us it is real, but if we lift in the over space where our galaxies are atoms (nuclei) there and take a look down towards our galaxy we can’t see any expansion, but only (if we can see so much accurately) that our sun together with other neighboring stars simply shifting towards the periphery of the galaxy and they places are taking by another coming from the center stars. So the expansion of the universe from our position of observation (the Sun) actually is the moving of the Sun towards the periphery, looking from “above” , which means that the expansion of the space (or the same the universe) can’t reach the speed of light! And contradiction with the energy rules of preservation, see this: I began but not finish this post. OK, let put this supposition in this way: If we want so much to find out some proof about the conception called “big bang”, we must to be ready immediately to answer to this questions: If the universe was born from some “purely energy” explosion and after that this energy passes into mass of known to us particles (electrons, protons and so on), then firstly what is the nature of this “purely energy”…… how this energy exist without any mass carrier…….how we can measure this energy if we haven’t mass and therefore accelerations and forces… from what is contain this energy? Energy always is characterization of some physical movement or reaction, hence the energy is always measurement of some real mass containing behavior….another kind of energy simply doesn’t exist and we never and never can be able to realize! Then what means infinity energy, because to be born all the endless universe, this energy must to come from somewhere and to be endless quantity…..physically it is stupidity….isn’t it? Second of all, the universe is expands in accelerating mode (I can’t stop here to ask whether this is valid only about us, or absolutely, because I have to discuss the conception “absolute space”!). So if we accept nowadays incorrect imagination that the universe expand absolutely, then expansion means less and less energy in the space, which finally comes to zero…so summarizing springs up infinite energy which finally disappear?!.......where disappear and from where will come again the new infinity energy to be born the universe again?!.........New physical stupidity…. Isn’t it? So some physicist ask us to accept some kind of absurdity about the universe and all these in environs where exist very physically friendly and convincingly alternative and it is USM kanevuniverse G.Kanev
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 22:51:10 +0000

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