Reading from one of my books.....SO HELP ME GOD.....forty-two men - TopicsExpress


Reading from one of my books.....SO HELP ME GOD.....forty-two men as of the writing ceased to be private citizens with four prayerlike words.....General George Washington took the first oath April 30, 1789. This acknowledgement belongs to him as well, It is impossible to account for the creation of the universe, without the agency of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to govern the universe, without the aid of a Supreme Being. It is impossible to reason without arriving at a Supreme Being. John Adams met a seventeen-year-old Abigail Smith reading John Lockes Human Understanding...He ask her what she believed was our purpose on earth and she said, Men and women are here to serve humanity. We are accountable to God for every moment of our time. We are made in the image of God, and we must fulfill our promise or we are a BLASPHEMY to God. An hour wasted is an hours sin. They were married 45 years and referred to it as a lovefeast and said her Christian beliefs made her a joy to know. Above the fireplace in the presidents formal diningroom is this inscribed prayer by the nations second president....I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessings on THIS HOUSE and on All that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof! During the presidential campaign of Thomas Jefferson in 1800 he stated, I have sworn on the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny of the mind of men. During the campaign he was vilified as a deist, atheist and agnostic. Say nothing about my religion, he admonished a friend. It is known to my God and my self alone. Thomas Jefferson considered himself a disciple of Jesus, ....I am a Christian in the only sense in which I believe Jesus wished anyone to be, sincerely attached to his doctrine in preference to all others, ascribing to him all human excellence, and believing that he never claimed any other. His epitaph that marks his grave reads, Author of the Declaration of Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, and the Father of the University of Virginia. I could continue on with stating the faith of the presidents of our country with only discernment that the last couple may have been paying lip service to Americans for election......OBAMA is not included in this book and his last pronouncement on tv the other day of being a Christian turned my stomach......What would our Founding Fathers have done??? Why are we waiting?!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 03:38:12 +0000

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