"Reading the Signs...Dangerous Curves Ahead" For a Florida girl, - TopicsExpress


"Reading the Signs...Dangerous Curves Ahead" For a Florida girl, going through the mountains in North Carolina and Tennessee is always a treat! I have been taking trips there since I was 13 and have always been in awe of the beauty, not only of the mountains themselves, but also the bright green forest that surround the mountain in the spring and summer. In the fall, the leaves are like God took his artist pallet of colors and by a stroke of his brush brings bright beautiful hues of orange, red, and gold. The winters are when all of the trees are barren, so we can appreciate the warmth of the sun shining through. On a recent summer trip, we drove through north east Tennessee and down into North Carolina. As we were driving through the twist and turns that created the mountain roads I began to notice the caution signs on the roadside. Of course, they were about the dangerous curves ahead, or of the blind driveways. I took special notice of these because you see, on the east coast of Florida; we don’t have too many winding, dangerous roads. Don’t get me wrong, we do have some, but not like in the mountains where at every twist and turn you have to make sure you really pay attention to these signs. Going through the mountains had me thinking about our journey through life, you know, the people we meet, the choices that we make, the careers paths we have chosen and that we are responsible for each and every move we make. You know our friends, our family, and God all are like those signs. We may be on the straight and narrow and come to a twisty windy road or a “blind driveway”. We “see” the caution signs. Our friends, family, and God may also be “holding” up their signs for us as well. Sometimes we heed them, and sometimes we choose to ignore them. The bottom line, all of our choices we make are our own. Nobody, including God Himself, makes us choose. Good or bad, we must live with those choices we make. Maybe, just maybe we might heed those signs and it will get us through those twisty windy roads in life and follow our path on the journey of life. For me, I am thankful for the path I have chosen. Not always making a wise choice, and sometimes (OK, maybe a lot of times) ignoring those signs. Good choices such as having three beautiful girls to raise, deciding to take a leap of faith and make a career move to another bank, and simple ones that I have made like the many breakfast dates with my Dad. Then there were the not so good choices, my second marriage, spending way too much money on credit and not finishing college. I may not be proud of each decision; however, I have no regrets. The signs I chose to ignore (you know, the ones that my family, friends, and God were holding) did lead me to a rough path that I was forced to navigate without taking heed of those signs and yet they have all formed the person that I am. The path I have chosen has led me to such a sweet life. I may have reached this spot in my life sooner had I heeded those signs. Now that I am a little older, and a little wiser, I do heed those signs more than ever. I realize that those signs are just to keep me from learning the hard way. The journey we choose to make is ours. Hopefully we will seek guidance from those that care about us, you know, family, friends, and yes, even God Himself!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:56:26 +0000

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