Reading the posts on the Herdies page over the last two weeks has - TopicsExpress


Reading the posts on the Herdies page over the last two weeks has opened my eyes a bit. Over that period of time Ive seen a large group of people who have gone from a bunch of fun loving bull riding fans to a overly complicated, thin skinned group of he said she said politically correct, that offends me because they have a different opinion than me, excuse the term, jerks! First, let me say, I dont care if you dont like certain riders. You are entitled to your opinion. Second, I dont care if you dont like the decisions made by the PBR folks about the future expansion plans. Once again, your opinion. Third, I dont care if you dont like certain members of this group that you disapprove of because of how they feel regarding how certain riders plan their season or how they ride bulls. These are all things that you have your own opinions of and you have the right to express those opinions! What I do care about regarding this Herdies group is the insults and degrading words that a few trolls have posted on here. There is no reason for it. One can express their opinion without being insulting or using foul language. Discussing bull riding is the reason this group was formed. Heated discussions are fun until the insults start coming out, and foul language is sign of a lack of intelligence in my opinion. I dont believe blocking people for voicing opinions is right. Blocking people should be reserved for rudeness and obscene behavior. Now, regarding my own posts. Not everything I post is regarding bull riding! (As most of you know that have been on this site for awhile.) I post things I think are funny. They may not be to everyone, but it appears most folks agree. If I post something you dont like or agree with, dont like it. As a matter of fact, if you dont like or agree with it, dont read it! If you really dont like it, block me. Thats okay. Once again, this group was formed to talk bull riding, it progressed into a group of bull riding friends that discuss just about every thing that comes to mind. Dont let a few people ruin that for almost 6000 others. Keep it civil. Keep it fun. And keep it growing. Once again, this is just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:08:47 +0000

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