Reading the ragged trousered philanthropist and can see so many - TopicsExpress


Reading the ragged trousered philanthropist and can see so many parallels in this post. Every man who is not helping to bring about a better state of affairs for the future is helping to perpetuate the present misery, and is therefore the enemy of his own children. There is no such thing as being neutral: we must either help or hinder So when a venture capital company buy out a parcel delivery company (City Link) for just £1 in order to rescue it. Then invest no money, put most of the delivery drivers on self employed contracts where they have to commit to a long term lease on a van, pay fuel, road tax etc. etc. but still remain contracted solely to the company. Put the warehouse staff on 0 hours contracts transfers ownership of any valuable assets to different companies. Milks the 2014 Christmas Delivery period for maximum gain and then on Christmas Day puts the company into receivership and sacks all the staff by email (On Christmas Day). Leaving the self employed delivery drivers owed thousands of pounds as minor creditors. Whilst the fat cat B^$/^ds sit in their tax haven home, drinking bubbly with their families and slagging off the scum who have to rely on benefits and food banks to survive, now they have been robbed of honest work by them. Yet again the good old capitalist con trick has succeeded in putting a viable company out of business and thousands of workers on the scrap heap of benefits. Well done to all those who dont get involved in politics and who cant be bothered to stand up and change our society. Doing nothing is a choice and every time we make that choice we let down our fellow workers and endanger our own position because we become weaker and they stronger. SO CHOOSE TO DO NOTHING IF YOU LIKE. BUT REMEMBER ONE DAY IT WILL BE YOU!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:54:38 +0000

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