Reading the stuff that pops up on my wall gives me the impression - TopicsExpress


Reading the stuff that pops up on my wall gives me the impression that Malaysia is being more and more radicalized day by day. In my limited knowledge of such matters, radicalization has its roots in ignorance. And as you know, ignorance breeds fear and fear breeds suspicion. You start seeing threats popping up from everywhere. You see conspiracies against you in all forms. From the things people say to the books they read. You see a cross on a clothe line and deities on mineral bottles which, in your opinion, probably poisons the water with dark powers, which of course threatens your weak faith. Again. Everything little thing is magnified in fear and its no wonder why you are angry all the time. Fear breeds anger. And when one is simmering in anger, thats fertile ground for radicalization. Its like the accumulation of gun power in your soul and then some instigator lights a match. And we wonder why people are joining barbaric groups like Isis. Theres so much talk about fighting the radicals. While that is important, its no use if we dont deal with the roots: ignorance and fear mongering, fueled by many individuals with dubious political agendas. But after all is said, I still believe in the goodness of Malaysians. That the ones who truly want peace and friendship and the believers in coexistence and collaboration far outnumber the small minded people. I still believe that the voice of reason will prevail. I believe that the smallest light can shatter the darkness. I hope every friend I have here will be that voice that will play a role in heralding a new Malaysia where every Malaysian has a place under the sun.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 01:07:54 +0000

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