Reading these 2 books...Just want to share with my friends who are - TopicsExpress


Reading these 2 books...Just want to share with my friends who are going to do business..these are some tips that I learnt from my CEO of my ex-company..He always said to me : If you want to be a good businessman, you need to learn at least basic of accounting and basic concepts of business..EVEN YOU ARE FROM ENGINEERING field!!!..hahaha..because I am from engineering I know Accounting and business study are very important to me..hahaha..memang susah nak study sbb subjek xpernah minat..but you have to..otherwise your business is just like kampung account, no record, no filing and etc.. He also said : You are not a salesman but you are a businessman..Businessman is totally different with Salesman..even most of businessmen declared themselves as a businessman but actually they are a Salesman..hmm..interesting..Salesman who is the person who only knows how to sell their product. But Businessman is a person who do everything in managing, selling,planning and promoting even accounting in order to make sure his or her business goes well and grows up...hmmm..thats why I read these 2 books.. Lagipun dalam Islam juga mengajar kita supaya tuntutlah ilmu walau sampai ke liang lahad..xkisahlah belajar apa pun even different subjects..xrugi pun..btol x? Memang susah tapi saya selalu berpegang pada prinsip saya ni Memangla susah sbb kita xtau..cuba kalau kita dah tau..agak2 susah ke senang..mestila senang..btol x? belajarlah wahai manusia selagi xmati..haha..itu saja tazkirah saya pada petang..saya sudahi dgan wassalam..
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:53:13 +0000

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