Reading this will literally scare you to death to know where we - TopicsExpress


Reading this will literally scare you to death to know where we are headed and our President is committed to taking this once proud Nation there without any regrets. In fact he is committed to doing by the very Lies he used to get Elected a second time, because he knew his Party would buy into it without even thinking twice about doing it and they did it too! Just read this and you will understand what I am talking about. Both Parties played key roles in making sure he succeeded in what he set out accomplish. This is not only on the Democrats, it is on all the Politicians that has spent any time in Washington D.C. and there is not one of them that can say with a straight face they did not know what was going on or happening. If what I have written scares you just read this what I have posted then see how it effects you. Only time will tell if it can be stopped to some extent and allow us enough time to turn things back into the direction we want and not loose this Nation to a Society we want nothing to do with. Go read the fall of the Roman Empire and look at what was behind its fall and then look at what we are dealing with. What Michelle and Barack Obama knew that would destroy our Republic By jimmullen1 on August 26, 2014 • ( 18 ) “Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” ~ Michelle Obama – May 14, 2008 It is unlikely the world will ever see another year like 1787 when the United States Constitution was fashioned and signed. It was a one-time event in world history when brilliant and brave men came forward to form a unique government. Our Founders created a small, centralized government with enumerated, limited powers. This document commanded that states, and the people retain extraordinary power over the federal government. The ink had barely dried on the Constitution before power-hungry politicians, and greedy men began chipping away at liberty. Creeping tyranny began before the final ratification. That tyranny creep has amplified today to a crushing onslaught of federal power against the states and people. Barack Obama’s Marxist, redistributionist dictatorship beats out of rhythm with the heart of our Republic. His Leninist ideology casts a heavy shroud of evil over our great land and threatens every fundamental principle of independence guaranteed by our Constitution. He tells any lie, bribes any group with taxpayers’ money, attacks, ridicules, and demeans all who fight for liberty. He is committed to breaking the American spirit of exceptionalism and the principle of born independence; both are precepts he vigorously renounces. theconservativecitizen/2014/08/26/what-miclelle-and-barack-obama-knew-that-would-destroy-our-republic/
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:57:16 +0000

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