Reading through a couple of my Uncles essays about beliefs, spot - TopicsExpress


Reading through a couple of my Uncles essays about beliefs, spot on Id say......... I cannot believe that we live in a purposeless universe. Not only is such a notion emotionally barren but also, to my mind, it is inconsistent with the discoveries of science, notably the exceedingly fine tuning of the physical constants of matter without which the universe would not be as it is and mankind would not be here. Of course the argument from design has many dissenters but, from an obviously subjective viewpoint, I observe that we belong to a cosmos which seems to be gradually realising potentialities that surely were built into it from the start. The energy which emerged in the Big Bang has been transformed, seemingly by the action of a few ground rules, during fourteen billion years, from a simple basic state into a state of huge complexity that now includes self-conscious, intelligent beings on at least one planet and perhaps many more across the universe. The transformation seems to be full of purpose. I cannot think of it otherwise than as the product of an Intelligence.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 23:38:51 +0000

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