Reading through an allegory in Science and Health with Key to the - TopicsExpress


Reading through an allegory in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, which is set as a court scene by which Mary Baker Eddy illustrates how the law of divine Mind overrules the so-called laws of matter and hygiene through the plea of Christian Science which heals the sick. These are snippets of part of the (too long to post in its entirety) court scene in which Christian Science is acting as counsel in the Court of Spirit, in defense of a man given a death sentence in the court of error as the result of a disease that developed while the defendant was caring for a sick friend... I felt drawn to reading this scene in response to the fear of contagion thats been expressed around those caring for people diagnosed with Ebola. Love is a law and overrules anything inhumane, and we have the right and privilege to exercise, defend and heal one another with it.: “Watching beside the couch of pain in the exercise of a love that “is the fulfilling of the law,” — doing “unto others as ye would that they should do unto you,” — this is no infringement of law, for no demand, human or divine, renders it just to punish a man for acting justly... “Man self-destroyed; the testimony of matter respected; Spirit not allowed a hearing; Soul a criminal though recommended to mercy; the helpless innocent body tortured, — these are the terrible records of your Court of Error, and I ask that the Supreme Court of Spirit reverse this decision... The plea of False Belief we deem unworthy of a hearing. Let what False Belief utters, now and forever, fall into oblivion, “unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown.” According to our statute, Material Law is a liar who cannot bear witness against Mortal Man, neither can Fear arrest Mortal Man nor can Disease cast him into prison. Our law refuses to recognize Man as sick or dying, but holds him to be forever in the image and likeness of his Maker. Reversing the testimony of Personal Sense and the decrees of the Court of Error in favor of Matter, Spirit decides in favor of Man and against Matter... “We have no trials for sickness before the tribunal of divine Spirit. There, Man is adjudged innocent of transgressing physical laws, because there are no such laws. Our statute is spiritual, our Government is divine. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” “The Jury of Spiritual Senses agreed at once upon a verdict, and there resounded throughout the vast audience-chamber of Spirit the cry, Not guilty. Then the prisoner rose up regenerated, strong, free. We noticed, as he shook hands with his counsel, Christian Science, that all sallowness and debility had disappeared. His form was erect and commanding, his countenance beaming with health and happiness. Divine Love had cast out fear. Mortal Man, no longer sick and in prison, walked forth, his feet “beautiful upon the mountains,” as of one “that bringeth good tidings.” (If you want to read the whole court scene allegory, theres a link to the chapter its in in the comment section, and it starts on pg. 430)
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 09:21:03 +0000

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