Ready for some ramblings? You are about to enter my mind which - TopicsExpress


Ready for some ramblings? You are about to enter my mind which can be a scary, confusing place. Be warned. On life and death. Cancer doesnt kill us. Addiction doesnt kill us. Murder doesnt kill us. Diabetes doesnt kill us. A heart attack doesnt kill us. Death kills us. Every time. 100% of the time people die due to death. And then death is killed. 1 Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. (stick with me) Death takes us. But it takes us to life! What we are conditioned to fear and dread and avoid is actually the vehicle that takes us to life when we look Jesus in the face and say ok. 1 Cor 15:55 Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? You might die today. You may make a hair appt today, not realizing you wont ever get there. I think how that makes you feel may tell you a lot about yourself. No matter what we believe about death and what happens when we die, its normal to fear it, dread it, avoid it, not want to speak its name. But there is this man who died so that when you die, you can live. Forever. The sting/fear/dread/avoidance: taken away. It sounds so ridiculous, I know. But even the most scientific-only explanation for the worlds creation sounds just as ridiculous. I happen to think science and spirituality cannot be separated but thats a status for another time. Theres no normal explanation for life and death. Theres just not. One big explosion? Ok, but why? A Creator? Ok, but whyyyyy? Random? So this is all there is? Then why why why do we have instinct and passion and a need to believe in something bigger and good and bad and rules and...stuff? Why do we even care? Why do we love? Just do what ya want if thats the case. Just a defense mechanism to keep us all alive? Im not buying it because that doesnt make sense. Surely there are better ways than something within us. I always think that if you are seeking for the whys and dont know yet its AT LEAST as likely that there is a creator as there isnt. Right? Cant we all agree on that? This world and the world we cant see and are ever so slowly discovering SCREAM of the supernatural. And weve only experienced the tip of the metaphorical iceberg. Science bursts with spirituality. Spirituality screams of science. Isnt it so interesting to connect them? Im so happy to have it all. Intelligence. Design. Purpose. Hope for a future. That this world isnt it. So I rambled from life and death to science and spirituality. I cant even believe you stuck around this long.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:02:30 +0000

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