★~~~~~~★ Real Meaning Of WITCHCRAFT ★~~~~~~~★ For many - TopicsExpress


★~~~~~~★ Real Meaning Of WITCHCRAFT ★~~~~~~~★ For many people, the term witchcraft conjures images of hags mixing potions in bubbling cauldrons after making a pact with the devil. However, modern witchcraft does not connect with Satanism nor evil. Instead, witchcraft is a belief system that focuses on the power of nature and the universe and creating a harmonious relationship with all living things. =======> Power Practicing witchcraft endows believers with a sense of power. Practitioners use incantations and ceremonies to channel energies from the universe and all creatures within it, including people, to make positive changes in their lives and the lives of others. Some witches believe they hold the power and even the responsibility to stop those causing harm to society. Believers espouse naturalism, the concept that no supernatural being controls events according to some specific agenda, so individual choice is significant. ========> Feminism Various types of beliefs exist under the umbrella term witchcraft just like many types of Christianity exist, and some of those groups focus on the power of a universal goddess. Historically, witches were the wise women of a village or tribe, and some people appreciate the celebration of the female that is the focus of many modern sects of witchcraft. Witchcraft connects the goddess with the moon, a feminine symbol. Within many groups, a woman conducts major ceremonies including initiation rituals. =======> Respect Witchcraft also involves living in harmony with ones environment. Witches realize they cannot control nature so they must learn to accept destructive aspects of nature such as blizzards, droughts and disease just as they accept the beauty of the natural world. Respect for nature, all creatures and the land are paramount. Witchcraft advocates respect for other beliefs, as well. Witches only denounce religions that advocate harm to others or eradication of other belief systems. ========> Christianity Some people consider witchcraft compatible with Christianity rather than in contrast to it. Both religions espouse a level of environmentalism and social concern. The Christian concept of do unto others as you would have them do unto you equates with witchcrafts admonition to harm none and the belief that negative wishes return upon the sender threefold. Witchcraft lends itself to individualization, allowing followers to meld various belief systems and create a personal religion that allows them to worship as they see fit.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 10:22:23 +0000

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