Real Talk Tuesday 09-17-2013 Vomit over this Governor Christie of - TopicsExpress


Real Talk Tuesday 09-17-2013 Vomit over this Governor Christie of NJ The vacation of the long hot days of the summer is over and the short days of the fall is now upon us. The school days are back in session. I went home to Trenton NJ, and seen so many that I grew up with, and so many have change in a 100 ways, I even drove down some of the street I walked a plenty days. Just the site of the old home that are abandon, and run down left an empty and sad feeling in my heart. The city is worrying about the Mayor and his problems and the city is going to hell in a hay basket. It makes me wonder who will lead us to the future. No one cares about the children of today. I went to my old high school and it looked a mess and they were talking about getting it together before the first day of school. The teachers are under paid, Trenton Central High School needs major repairs, and you would know that if you would have taken a walk through to see the need. What’s so funny, you’re the same fat lame looking governor of New Jersey deems it necessary to rebuild a board walk, and rebuilding business for approx. 15 million; well do that it’s your state, but what about the future of the City of Trenton, and the kids therein, Real Talk. Yet you sit, and smile looking like a big fat bozo the clown, nevertheless it amusing at how many will go without a decent education, because you fell like you want to vomit about Seaside Heights, and Seaside Park, the business owners of the board walk, you dummy numb-nut that is why business has insurance, and you’re the governor of the state of New Jersey fat boy get a life and tighten up your lap band. This country is looking and laughing at the City of Trenton first the Mayor and now the slob governor, and you want to be president one day joke. This has to be a wake up call for the resident of Trenton and beyond. Real Talk Tuesday closing, for the governor I just have a question what about the future of the education of the kids that want to get an education, learn and make a difference in the city? I guess they should go and get a job on the board walk or start a business there as well? It’s time for the people to wake up and elect the right people for a public job, get out and vote to make a difference, Real Talk.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 17:27:01 +0000

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