Real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart, the - TopicsExpress


Real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart, the confessing with your mouth is the easy part, but the believing in your heart is the heart of salvation in CHRIST JESUS, and real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart! You can confess all day with your mouth, but if you do not believe in your heart, then your confession without works is dead, the same way faith without works is dead, because you must know what it is you confess, and believe in! And you must work at knowing what it is you believe and confess, for faith without knowledge is dead, the same way faith without works is dead! (ROMANS 10:8-11) But what says it? The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is the word of faith, which we preach. That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord JESUS, and shall believe in your heart that GOD has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, whosoever believes on JESUS shall be saved. Brothers and sisters, real faith in GOD is to know GOD through the revelation knowledge of JESUS CHRIST, and to understand GOD through the wisdom of his word in CHRIST JESUS! There is no such thing as blind faith, because you must know what it is you have faith in! Brothers and sisters, the just shall live by faith, but how can you ever live by faith, if you do not know what it is you claim to have faith in or believe in. Brothers and sisters, there are many people who claim to believe in GOD, and they say they have faith in GOD, but it is impossible to believe in something or someone you do not know! Brothers and sisters, you cannot have real faith in CHRIST JESUS, if you do not believe in your heart, and you cannot truly believe in your heart, if you do not truly know JESUS as the living word of GOD, in his word! Brothers and sisters, I truly believe in GOD, and I truly have faith in JESUS CHRIST, because I know JESUS as the living word of GOD, and I study JESUS as the wisdom of GOD, to be approved by GOD, that I might know GOD through the revelation knowledge of JESUS CHRIST! Brothers and sisters, Real faith in CHRIST JESUS means risk! Brothers and sisters, that was real faith when Moses led the children of Israel to Red Sea, and there was nowhere else for the people to go, but to wait on GOD whom Moses trusted in and had faith in, or to be destroyed by their enemies, but GOD showed up, and showed out, because of the faith of Moses, and Moses saw the glory of GOD, because he trusted in the word he heard from GOD! Real faith in CHRIST JESUS means risk! Brothers and sisters, that was real faith when Noah built an ark by faith, because he heard a word from God and while Noah was being laughed at, ridiculed, mocked, and made fun of, he built an ark unto GOD, & he watched the whole world be destroyed by water from the ark, because he had word from GOD! Real faith in CHRIST JESUS means risk! Brothers and sisters, that was real faith when Peter walked on water to see JESUS, but many of you focus on the fact that Peter started sinking, but Peter only started sinking when he took his eyes of JESUS, & out of all the disciples in the boat Peter is the only one who took the risk of faith to walk on water, because he had a word from JESUS! Real faith in CHRIST JESUS means risk! Brothers and sisters, real faith is like walking on air, real faith is like walking on water, real faith is against all odds, and real will risk everything for the word of GOD it knows to be true, because it has a word from GOD! Brothers and sisters, real faith knows exactly what it believes in, and it knows exactly what it has faith in, thats why real faith will risk everything for what it knows to be true! Real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart! Brothers and sisters, sometimes we dont realize the value of people we have in our presence, and neither are we always mindful of their gifts, the anointing upon their lives, their purpose, the call on their lives, or the greatness that is in them, because most people are so full of themselves, selfish, and they only think about themselves! But real faith in CHRIST JESUS can see faith in other people, real faith can see the gifts of GOD in other people, real faith can see the anointing on the lives of other people, real faith can see the call of GOD on the lives of other people, real faith can see the heart of other people! Real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart! Brothers and sisters, many leaders in the religion of Christianity do not see people as human beings, they see people as dollar signs, money, merchandise, numbers, wealth, material possessions, and a means of gain, because your heart is not right towards GOD, and your faith is not real faith in GOD! Real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart! (HEBREWS 4:12) For the word of GOD is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (HEBREWS 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (HEBREWS 11:6) But without faith it is impossible to please GOD: for he that comes to GOD must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Real faith in CHRIST JESUS is a matter of the heart! ~~ ***Announcing a newsletter soon to be released, if you would like a monthly newsletter sent to you via email visit the website to subscribe.** Newly Released Website To view more lessons of faith, visit my community page on Facebook at facebook. com/ReeseKempLive (one line) Please help spread the free word of God Freely by commenting on posts and sharing the messages so they show up in more news feeds. For video messages see: youtube. com/ReeseKempLive
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:45:33 +0000

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