Real religious principles from the point of view of Bhagavan Shri - TopicsExpress


Real religious principles from the point of view of Bhagavan Shri Krishna as he speaks to Shri Uddhava in the 11th Canto of Shrimad Bhagavatam: Firm faith in the blissful narration of My pastimes, constant chanting of My glories, unwavering attachment to ceremonial worship of Me, praising Me through beautiful hymns, great respect for My devotional service, offering obeisances with the entire body, performing first-class worship of My devotees, consciousness of Me in all living entities, offering of ordinary, bodily activities in My devotional service, use of words to describe My qualities, offering the mind to Me, rejection of all material desires, giving up wealth for My devotional service, renouncing material sense gratification and happiness, and performing all desirable activities such as charity, sacrifice, chanting, vows and austerities with the purpose of achieving Me -- these constitute actual religious principles, by which those human beings who have actually surrendered themselves to Me automatically develop love for Me. What other purpose or goal could remain for My devotee? [SB 11.19.20-24]
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:33:26 +0000

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