Realities of a Romantic Mind A Much Longed for Reality Setting: - TopicsExpress


Realities of a Romantic Mind A Much Longed for Reality Setting: A group of people, standing on a sidewalk on a city street, apparently awaiting the arrival of transportation, a bus perhaps, to take them to an event at some destination. They are milling about, chatting with one another. * She was shorter than I, but as I leaned back against a railing, it was as if we were now of the same height. We stood next to each other, she by my left side, and a male acquaintance of hers to my right. There were others around us as we waited to go somewhere as a group. As she stood by my side, chatting with the others, she moved closer to me until her side was against mine, and she wrapped her right arm around my back with her hand lightly caressing my back. A warm feeling seemed to emanate from the palm of her hand and into my back. I automatically wrapped my left arm around her, slowly and gently massaging her back with my hand. As she continued to chat, she moved even tighter against my side, and placed her cheek against mine. I thought, “Oh my God! Is this really happening? Can this be real?” She continued to chat with the others, and I once contributed an opinion, but felt as though I was barely heard, perhaps because my mind was no longer connected to the world around us, only to this so very personal world happening between us. At one point in the conversation, as someone else began offering a long opinion of what was being discussed, she turned her face towards mine and looked into my eyes, our faces so close together, her nose touched mine. What make-up she wore was barely perceptible, perhaps a light application of powder and some blush that highlighted her high-boned cheeks. There was only a slight aroma to this, but mixed with her skin oil, it created a warm, inviting aroma that was distinctly her own. I then brushed her lower lip with my lips. She did not pull away, so then I took her lower lip gently between mine. What followed next were our lips gently touching and caressing, as I felt the softness of her lips and the taste of her, and then it became a full, intense kiss. It was as if the outside world no longer existed as we continued to kiss. We could hear the droning of voices around us, but they were no longer distinguishable. No one else, nor anything else, existed any longer to the two of us at that first intimate moment. All else seemed to have vanished. As we continued to kiss, more and more deeply, I thought, “This is real! This is really happening!” Then I awoke! I lay there, feeling very relaxed, very content. “How could that had been only a dream?” I questioned myself. “It was so real, it had to be real.” It was then that sadness came upon me after the reality of it having been only a dream sank in. I slowly arose from my bed to begin my day, but I knew that I would go through this day with the memory of that wonderful dream, yet feeling mildly depressed that it had not been real. The only reality was that it was only a dream. * Later that day, my phone rang, I answered, and at the other end I heard that wonderful, comforting, yet delightful voice that I instantly recognized, even though she did not start her call with, “Hello, This is…” She knew she didn’t need to, as from the past calls, she would say her name, but I would tell her, “I know.” After exchanging greetings, she then said, “We are getting the group together to go to that event that you said you wanted to go to. We’ve chartered a bus to take us there, and we’ll all meet in front of the gallery at 3 p.m. tomorrow. Are you still interested?” “Well yes,” I responded. “I really don’t know any of the others though.” “Not to worry,” she said with an assuring voice. “You will be with me, and I will stay close by your side the whole afternoon and evening.” Of course, I agreed to go. Something about this seemed oddly familiar. ©J. Michael Joslin. October 2013. Tonquish Creek Series.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 21:43:22 +0000

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