Reality Check By Mike Charles ** Please note that the views of - TopicsExpress


Reality Check By Mike Charles ** Please note that the views of the column Between The Ropes are not necessarily those of Pro Wrestling express and its counterparts. Between The Ropes is a column of opinion and observation ** The squeaky wheel gets the grease. This philosophy has worked in every major sport, especially professional wrestling. Three wrestlers, who feel underutilized and disrespected, have decided to adopt this philosophy as well. The trio has formed together to compose an open letter to their home promotion stating their grievances as well as issuing 3 demands that need to be met or they will take their marketable services elsewhere. Less than 24 hours later, the trio shows up on the promotions live event and airs their dirty laundry in the middle of the ring including their demands. They state that since their demands have not been met, they quit. The 3 wrestlers then walk out the front door, never to return. Or do they? Shortly after walking out, the trio stage a social media blitz that garners a ton of responses. They then proclaim that they will protest at the promotions next live event. At the next live event, the trio is true to their word. They arrive and sit in the crowd as they hold up their protest signs. Surprisingly, the crowd chants their name throughout the early portion of the event. Finally, the 3 wrestlers step over the barrier and into the ring to a thunderous applause. They proceed to get into a physical altercation, throw out another demand, and ultimately quit.....again, walking out the front door. Minutes later, another social media blitz occurs with the responses overwhelming in support. So much so that there are more responses for the 3 wrestlers than any other item on the local wrestling scene. The promotion even states that one of the trios demands will be met. Meet The Golden Triangle... the brash Deion Cruize, outspoken Hayden Ferra, and the self-proclaimed misunderstood Slice. The Golden Triangle has taken Pro Wrestling eXpress by storm, achieving the kind of reaction in just 4 weeks that some others before them only thought they had in their minds. It is quite the mind puzzler. Over the past 6 months, members of The Golden Triangle are a combined 2-15. One could take a quick glance and say that these three men have not produced when given the chance, But a deeper look shows that if each of the three men had wrestled on the previous 12 events, that would account for 36 total matches. That means that members of The Golden Triangle have only had the chance to wrestle on less than half of the live events. Maybe there is credence to their claims of being underutilized. After all where there is smoke, there is fire right? Perhaps. Perhaps not. How and why have The Golden Triangle risen so fast in crowd reaction? The conventional school of thought is that these three men have taken the taboo subject of backstage business and brought it to the forefront on live events in front of the paying audience. It has been often stated over the years that if someone took all of the locker room drama and used it in front of a live crowd, it would be red hot. The Golden Triangle has apparently proven that to be true. These three men hold nothing back. They have said and done anything they like, uncensored and unfiltered. Dont talk about paydays? They have named their price to everyone and anyone. Dont air dirty backstage laundry? They have excelled in doing just that. Dont let the fans in? They have embraced the fan movement. Just think, these guys are just getting started! There is still a good amount of material they can use from years past of backstage controversy, surprisingly created by a just small percentage of people. Plus, if they ever need an idea, they can just go to their local wrestling message board where the supply never ends. However, just how far is The Golden Triangle willing to go? Is there anything that they will not bring to a live event? It is interesting to note that two of these three men graduated from the PWX Wrestling Academy. The third was disenchanted with the school he was in and, thus, made the move to put the finishing touches on his training at the PWX Wrestling Academy as well. As I stated in a previous article, the Academy has breathed new life into PWX and now there are three more wrestlers who have struck a cord with the PWX World. Perhaps watching Ganon Jones Jr., Cassidy Stone, and Toryn Flight enjoy varying degrees of success coming out of the Academy forced The Golden Triangles hand into controversy. After all controversy sells right? Now they have everyone asking just what are they going to do next? In another previous article, I discussed the entitled wrestler who would push his own agenda to create problems on his way out. The Golden Triangle seems to be mocking that very entitlement as they quit only to return with even more outrageousness. Now can The Golden Triangle avoid the same pitfalls that have entrapped the same select entitled wrestlers before them? Those select veterans who are always saying they have big news coming but ultimately just cant believe they havent received that call for bigger and better things and find themselves falling into the big fish in a small pond mentality. I see a fundamental difference between The Golden Triangle and the above listed. The Golden Triangle are young, hungry wrestlers who are just trying to make a name for themselves. They want to achieve that level of notoriety and are not afraid to give full disclosure to audiences included. They dont claim to tell it like it is. They actually do tell it like it is. At least so far..... In the end, The Golden Triangle embodies that extension of realism that has people wondering if what they are saying and doing is all an act or real. The ability to blur the lines of reality has The Golden Triangle riding the gravy train of success. And once again..... they are just getting started.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:50:47 +0000

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