Reality Spanking 1 This is the first in a series of stories - TopicsExpress


Reality Spanking 1 This is the first in a series of stories about a rich businessman, Sir George Soames and his love of spanking. Sir George is a man in his fifties who owns a very successful business which he inherited from his father. He owns a flat in London were he stays when there on business and a house in the country where he goes at weekends to relax and enjoy his love of spanking. Until now he has contented himself with watching his vast collection of spanking videos and watching on the internet. However he has become tired of watching videos and wishes to watch the real thing. At his country house is a housekeeper/secretary, Miss Courtney, of about the same age who lives in and looks after the house while Sir George is away. At weekends she attends to his every need and is occasionally playfully spanked by Sir George. She is quite happy to indulge Sir George as he pays her an excellent wage for her services and is not averse to a little spanking herself. One weekend Sir George discusses his wishes about spanking with Miss Courtney and it is decided that a young woman should be employed as an assistant to Miss Courtney and is prepared to take part in spanking role play with her at weekends for Sir George’s entertainment. Sir George leaves the matter in Miss Courtney’s hands and the hunt is on for a suitable young woman. Several weeks go by and no one is forthcoming until one day a young woman arrives at the house. She is invited in and interviewed by Miss Courtney and agrees to take the post. She is Samantha Pickering, a twenty year old from a neighbouring town who is unemployed and desperate for a job. Miss Courtney contacts Sir George who says he will pay the young lady more money than she receives in benefits for just attending at weekends. The following Saturday Samantha reports to Miss Courtney and helps her with her work around the house. Sir George goes off to play golf in the afternoon so Samantha is not required until the evening. During the afternoon Miss Courtney and Samantha stop for a cup of tea. “Are you feeling nervous?” asked Miss Courtney. “A bit,” replied Samantha. “There’s no need to be. Shall we do a trial run?” suggested Miss Courtney “What exactly do I have to do?” asked Samantha. “Quite simple, I just put you over my knee and give you a smacked bottom.” “Oh, is that all,” replied a relieved Samantha. “For this weekend, yes. During the week I’ll order you some outfits and then we can start proper role play; Sir George is very much looking forward to that.” “What sort of things will I have to wear,” asked Samantha. “School uniform, maid’s outfit, all with stockings and suspenders of course,” explained Miss Courtney. “Oh, I’ve never worn stockings before.” Said Samantha. “Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it.” Smiled Miss Courtney. “Now, come and put yourself over my lap.” Samantha got up and went round to Miss Courtney and laid down over her lap. “I’m going to pull your skirt up; you don’t mind me seeing your underwear do you?” “Do I get any choice?” “No you don’t,” said Miss Courtney with a chuckle. Smack smack smack smack smack “It doesn’t hurt very much,” commented Samantha. “I don’t want you to have a sore bottom before this evening.” Replied Miss Courtney. “Will you smack me a lot harder this evening?” “Not really; Sir George only wants to watch the spanking. He doesn’t want to see you hurt.” Explained Miss Courtney. “That’s a relief, can I get up now?” “Yes, course you can.” “D’you know there was something exciting about that,” said Samantha. “Really, that’s interesting,” said Miss Courtney. “Yes, I’m quite looking forward to this evening,” said Samantha. Later that evening after his evening meal Sir George went into the lounge. Miss Courtney went to see if he was ready for the entertainment. “Sir George is ready,” said Miss Courtney as she returned to the kitchen where Samantha was just finishing the last of the clearing up. “Oh, right.” “You know what to do?” “Yes.” “Right, let’s go up.” Miss Courtney led the way up to the lounge. “You wait here while I go in; give me about thirty seconds and then come in.” Miss Courtney went in and Samantha waited; then after the agreed interval she went in. “Hello mum,” said Samantha nervously. “I’ll give you hello mum, what time do you think this is, you’re at least an hour late.” “Sorry mum, I forgot the time,” said Samantha playing with the hem of her skirt. “What did I tell you would happen if you were late home?” “I’d get my bottom smacked. I really am sorry.” “Sorry you certainly will be when I’ve finished with you, come here.” Said Miss Courtney angrily. Samantha walked slowly over to Miss Courtney who was sitting in an armchair opposite to Sir George. “Please don’t smack me mum, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” Pleaded Samantha wringing her hands together. “And how many times have I heard that, come on, get over my lap you naughty girl.” Samantha reluctantly bent over Miss Courtney’s lap. “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.” “That’s what you always say mum.” “Don’t be insolent.” Miss Courtney pulled up Samantha’s skirt. Smack smack smack “Oooww” smack “owch” smack “Oooooww” Miss Courtney gave Samantha a long spanking although she only pretended to smack hard although by the time she had finished Samantha had a very warm bottom. “Get up and get to bed,” ordered Miss Courtney. “I hate you,” said Samantha. “What did you say? Demanded Miss Courtney. “I hate you.” “In that case you’d better get back over my lap and have some more,” said Miss Courtney grabbing Samantha by the arm and pulling her back over her lap. “Let go of me,” cried Samantha. “Not until you’ve learned some manners,” snapped Miss Courtney angrily. Smack smack “Ooowch” smack “owww” This time Miss Courtney smacked Samantha’s bottom as if she meant it. “Now get up.” Samantha got up and rubbed her now throbbing bottom, she certainly hadn’t expected a real spanking. “Now get off to bed at once.” Samantha sullenly went to the door. “Come back,” called Sir George. Samantha turned and went back to Miss Courtney. “Well done ladies, that was excellent,” said Sir George giving a little clap. “I trust I shall be well entertained again tomorrow night.” “We’ll do our best Sir George, won’t we Miss Pickering?” “Yes we will,” replied a very happy Samantha. Miss Courtney got up and ushered Samantha out. “Wow, that was fantastic,” gasped Samantha. “You enjoyed it then?” asked Miss Courtney. “You bet I did, especially that proper spanking you gave me,” “You’ve got a little treat tomorrow night.” “What’s that then?” asked Samantha eagerly. “I’m going to give you the slipper in your nightclothes, what do you wear?” “Pyjamas.” “Excellent, I’m sure Sir George will enjoy that.” Next evening couldn’t come quick enough for Samantha or Miss Courtney for that matter. She hadn’t let on to Samantha how much she had enjoyed having a young woman over her lap. Samantha went off to her bedroom to change and then went downstairs. Miss Courtney was already in with Sir George when Samantha arrived. “What did I say about being up on time?” demanded Miss Courtney. “Sorry mum, the alarm didn’t go off.” “Now you’re going to be late for school and what happens to girls who are late?” “We get the cane.” “Yes they do and sore hands as well. I’m going to match that by giving you a sore bottom my girl.” “Oh no mum, you can’t do that.” “I can do just what I like in this house young lady and don’t you forget it.” “Please mum, not the slipper, it hurts.” “Of course it hurts you silly girl.” Miss Courtney got up, slipper in hand. Sir George smiled at the prospect of a nice round bottom getting a good whacking. “Now bend over.” Samantha bent over and held her ankles. Her pyjama bottoms tightened across her perfectly rounded bottom. “How many whacks do they give you at school? Six?” “Sometimes,” mumbled Samantha. “In that case I shall give you six.” “No mum, not that many, I won’t be able to sit down,” protested Samantha. “You should have thought of that.” Whaapp!! “Owwch” That really was a proper swipe; Miss Courtney was going to give six proper ones. Whhaapp!! “Ooooooh” Whaaappp!! “Ooowwch, mum please.” “Be quiet and take your punishment.” Samantha did indeed take her punishment and got up at the end with watery eyes and a sore bottom. “Now go and get ready for school.” Ordered Miss Courtney. “Well done ladies, “ said a very grateful Sir George, “I shall certainly look forward to next weekend.” The two ladies made their exit and Samantha retired to bed to nurse her sore bottom. Next morning after a hearty breakfast she headed for home. Next weekend couldn’t come quick enough and this time she was required on Friday evening as well so a nice long weekend in prospect.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:29:22 +0000

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