Reality Spanking 2 Since her first visit to Sir George, - TopicsExpress


Reality Spanking 2 Since her first visit to Sir George, Samantha had been dreaming about her next visit and now Friday afternoon had arrived. She set off for the weekend in high spirits and looking forward to getting her bottom well and truly spanked over the weekend. On arrival she was warmly welcomed by Miss Courtney who had also been looking forward to her arrival. “Hello Sam, do come in.” “Thank you Miss Courtney.” “Go up to your room and unpack and I’ll put the kettle on.” Samantha went up to her room and started to unpack. While she was doing this Sir George arrived. When she had finished she went back down to the kitchen. “Sir George has arrived,” said Miss Courtney. “Yes, I saw him from upstairs.” “He’d like to see you as soon as you’ve had your cup of tea.” “I’m not in trouble am I?” said Samantha anxiously. “No, of course not. I think he might want to smack your bottom, do you mind?” “Do I mind? He can smack it as much as he likes.” Replied Samantha. “Good girl, he’ll appreciate that. I’m afraid your outfits haven’t completely arrived yet so you’ll just have to be spanked in your ordinary clothes this weekend,” said Miss Courtney. “Oh well, a spanking is a spanking,” replied Samantha sadly. She finished her tea and went off to the study to find Sir George. “Ah, Miss Pickering, come in,” said Sir George with a kindly smile. “Good afternoon Sir George, you wanted to see me?” said Samantha nervously. “Yes I did, do sit down,” said Sir George waving to a chair near his desk. Samantha sat down and tried to be at ease. “How are you settling in?” “Very well thank you.” “Miss Courtney treating you well?” “Yes, very well thank you.” “Just as well for her otherwise she would get her bottom smacked.” Smiled Sir George. Samantha thought she’d better do the right thing and laugh. “How do feel about getting your bottom smacked?” “I would enjoy it very much,” replied Samantha. “So you wouldn’t object if I did it then?” “Oh no sir, I thought that was what I was here for.” “Yes it is but mainly to be smacked by Miss Courtney. However there will be the odd occasion when I should like to do it,” said Sir George. “Would you like to do it now Sir George?” asked Samantha plucking up all her courage. “Why yes I would,” replied Sir George being taken by surprise at the offer. Samantha stood up. “Come round here,” invited Sir George. “And lay across my lap.” Samantha did as she was asked and wriggled into position. Sir George got to work Smack smack smack smack smack The smacks weren’t hard, just firm. “May I lift your skirt?” asked Sir George. “Yes.” Sir George gently pulled up the skirt and proceeded to spank Samantha over her tights and knickers. Smack smack smack smack smack With the skirt out of the way Sir George’s firm hand began to nicely warm Samantha’s bottom. “Am I hurting you?” asked Sir George. “No sir,” “That’s good, whenever I give you a spanking it’s not intended to hurt.” “Thank you sir,” replied Samantha. Sir George continued for several minutes and Samantha was lapping it up. She was getting the benefit of a firm hand on her bottom without the discomfort. Finally much to her disappointment she was asked to stand up. “How do you feel my dear?” Asked Sir George. “Wonderful,” replied Samantha. “Good. Now, I have a little surprise for you. I’m going to increase your weekly fee by ten pounds.” “Wow, thank you Sir George.” “I hope that this will encourage you to stay with me.” “I will Sir George, you don’t need to worry about that.” “Excellent, now you may leave.” Samantha left the room and hurried down to the kitchen, her bottom warm as toast. “Did you get spanked?” asked Miss Courtney. “Did I?” exclaimed Samantha. “It went on for ages, I didn’t want it ever to stop,” “I can assume you enjoyed it. How does your bottom feel?” “A really warm glow.” “Lovely feeling isn’t it.” Said Miss Courtney enviously. Samantha then kept busy helping Miss Courtney until it was time to entertain Sir George. Miss Courtney disappeared and returned with a plastic soled carpet slipper. “This is slipper weekend, all your spankings will be with the slipper,” announced Miss Courtney. “Could be interesting,” said Samantha looking at the slipper. “Come along, Sir George is ready.” Samantha followed Miss Courtney to the lounge where Sir George was in his usual seat ready to watch proceedings. Miss Courtney went and sat down. “Come here Samantha,” said Miss Courtney sternly. “Yes mother?” “What have I told you about not leaving your room tidy?” “Sorry mother but I was late for school and didn’t have time.” “Don’t give me that excuse, I’ve told you time and time again about this, now my patience is exhausted, come here.” “Oh no Mother, not the slipper, please.” “Oh yes, it’s time you learnt a lesson, get over my lap.” Samantha went and leaned over Miss Courtney’s lap. As she lay down she could feel Miss Courtney’s suspenders digging in to her. “I’m going to give you something to remember for a long time young lady.” Whack whack whack whack Miss Courtney pretended to really give Samantha a good walloping until the last few. WHACK “ooww, mother, you’re hurting me.” “Just what you need young lady, a very sore bottom,” said Miss Courtney. She gave Samantha four hard whacks. “Now get up and go to your room,” ordered Miss Courtney. Samantha got up, rubbed her bottom and left, glaring at Miss Courtney. “Did you have to hit me so hard?” complained Samantha. “I had to make it a bit realistic,” replied Miss Courtney. “Have you got a burning bottom?” “Yes I have.” “Like it?” “Yes, of course.” “You wouldn’t have it if I hadn’t whacked you.” Said Miss Courtney. “I know, it was just a bit of a shock that’s all,” replied Samantha. “But I did enjoy it, especially when you started to tell me off.” “I enjoyed that bit as well,” said Miss Courtney. “I didn’t know you wore stockings, I felt your suspenders when I went over your lap.” Miss Courtney laughed. “Sir George loves them; I give him a flash every so often.” Next night it was time for spanking. “It’s a school scene tonight but as your gymslip hasn’t arrived we’ll have to do it in your ordinary clothes.” “Hope it’s arrived by next weekend, I’m looking forward to being a naughty schoolgirl,” said Samantha. “So is Sir George,” laughed Miss Courtney. “Come on, time to go.” They went off with Miss Courtney firmly clutching the slipper. “Don’t hit me so hard this time,” laughed Samantha. “I’ll try not to,” replied Miss Courtney. Once inside the lounge the role-play started. Sir George was seated dressed in dinner jacket and bow tie as he was going out immediately after the ladies had finished. “You’ve been reported for smoking, is that correct?” “Yes Miss.” “And why were you smoking?” Samantha shrugged her shoulders. “Just wanted one Miss.” “You just wanted one; next thing you’re going to tell me that you didn’t know it’s against the rules.” “No Miss.” “You know what happens to naughty girls who smoke don’t you?” “Yes Miss.” “Then I suggest you bend over and we’ll get this over with.” Ordered Miss Courtney slapping her hand with the slipper. Samantha bent over and Miss Courtney pulled up her skirt. “I’m going to give you six.” Said Miss Courtney. She gave Samantha four fairly hard whacks but the next one was a proper disciplinary whack. “Oooowww,” cried Samantha. Whhhhaaapp!!! “Ooooowch,” “Get up,” ordered Miss Courtney. “I’m sorry Miss, It won’t happen again.” Said Samantha. “Hmmm, we’ll see about that,” replied Miss Courtney. “Thank you ladies, that was excellent.” Said a smiling Sir George. “Thank you Sir George,” said the pair and then they left. Next night Samantha was in her pyjamas again at the request of Sir George after he had so enjoyed seeing them last weekend. Miss Courtney decided that she would be matron and slipper Samantha for being out of bed in the dorm. So at the appointed time they went to the lounge. “What are you doing out of bed?” demanded Miss Courtney. Samantha paused for moment. “Well girl, I’m waiting.” “I went to talk to my friend Gillian.” “You know talking and being out of bed are strictly forbidden?” “Yes matron.” “In that case I have no alternative but to punish you severely.” “Sorry matron.” “You will be young lady, bend over,” Samantha bent over taking hold of her ankles; her tightly pyjama clad bottom facing Sir George. Whaapp whaapp whaapp whaapp whaapp whaapp At this point Samantha was about to get up when WHAAPP!! “Ooooowch” WHAAPP!! “Yeeeoooww” “Now stand up and get into bed.” Ordered Miss Courtney. “Yes matron,” replied Samantha looking at the floor and rubbing her stinging bottom. “Another excellent performance,” said Sir George. “I’m now looking forward to next week.” The two ladies left and went back to their room. Next week couldn’t come quick enough for both of them.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 07:39:33 +0000

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