Reality can sting satire in its nose… Yes, today Allahu Akbar - TopicsExpress


Reality can sting satire in its nose… Yes, today Allahu Akbar jelling jihad punks run into the editorial offices of the very French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing twelve people, including chief editor Stephane Charbonnier which has made jokes about Houellebecqs novel Houellebecqs novel predicts that in 2022 Frances mainstream Left and Right club together to back a certain Mohammed Ben Abbes in a second round presidential run-off against Miss Le Pen. Then Abbes as the new president proceeds to Islamise the EU, with Turkey and various north African countries joining this obscure EU. The aim is to build a territory resembling the old Roman empire. However Charlie Hebdo caricaturists made fun about Houellebecq. The protagonist in his novel is François, a 44-year-old literature professor, who had converted to Islam after a university director introduced him to the pleasures of polygamy with submissive wives. After his victory next day, French women abandon Western dress. Most begin wearing long cotton smocks over their trousers; encouraged by government subsidies, they leave the workplace in droves. Male unemployment drops overnight. In formerly rough neighborhoods, crime disappears. Universities become Islamic. Non-Muslim teachers are forced into early retirement unless they convert and submit to the new regime.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:28:59 +0000

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