Reality instead of spin on the Funding Bill... Actually a pretty - TopicsExpress


Reality instead of spin on the Funding Bill... Actually a pretty good Bill, even by Conservative lights. Highlights of H.R. 83 courtesy of the House Whip’s Office: • Fully funds 11 of the 12 regular Appropriations bills through September 30, 2015, and funds the Department of Homeland Security under a Continuing Resolution (CR) until February 27, 2015 • Obamacare: No new funding for Obamacare; prohibits funds for Obamacare Risk Corridors; Requires HHS and Treasury to report to Congress on improper payments of Obamacare tax subsidies; cuts the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) by $10 million • Cuts EPA $60 million (fifth consecutive year of cuts, totaling a 21% reduction since FY10, and a decrease in 2,000 positions – 1989 levels) • Prohibits regulation of farm ponds and irrigation ditches • Prohibits listing the sage grouse on the Endangered Species List • Protects Second Amendment rights and prohibits EPA to regulations of lead content in ammunition or fishing tackle • IRS: Cuts IRS funding $345.6 million ($1.5 billion below the president’s request and below FY08 levels); prohibits IRS targeting organizations based on their ideological beliefs or for exercising their First Amendment rights; prohibits the White House ordering review of tax-exempt status; Prohibits IRS funds for inappropriate videos and conferences • Provides $2.5 billion for processing VA disability claims to end the backlog and rescinds $41 million in performance bonuses at the Horse Country Saddlery, Warrenton VA
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:30:04 +0000

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