Really Sorry for the Delay!.. Here is the Chapter 19th of 17:11... - TopicsExpress


Really Sorry for the Delay!.. Here is the Chapter 19th of 17:11... Read and Share your Views Chapter 19 As expected both of us were excited for the result of her interview. Even she was more excited than me. I could only imagine her situation but she was facing those circumstances. I had always wanted to be with her at her every important assignment of her life but that time, staying beside her was one of the impossible things I was thinking about. I was sure the she would clear her interview easily and at last I got her message. “What happened?”- I asked. I felt that her tone was changed. It was not the tone which would make a person jump from his/her seat. I felt that she was worried. Suddenly I thought did she not pass the interview? But as she was quite intelligent and it was her dream to be an air hostess, she could not fail. “Everything thing happened according to the plans. I did impress each and every board member and all of them were quite impressed by me as well. Then how the hell they can do this to me?”- She shouted as we both of us were talking on phone instead of chatting on whatsapp. The way she worried made me even more worried than before. But at least tell me what the hell happened there?”- Now I shouted because she was not saying anything clearly “I got selected but” she stopped. “But what? Don’t’ create suspense. ”- I asked Then at last she broke her silence. “They told me that there is no vacancy in Delhi. So I had to select Jaipur as my new station.” She told me the whole interview happenings. For a moment I was about to jump from my seat because It was Jaipur where I could meet her without any trouble. But somehow I controlled myself and went on. “And just because of this, you refused them. Am I right?”- I said. I didn’t want her to refuse that offer because it is common thing to stay away for the job. “No. I said yes but now I feel that I did wrong. How the hell I am going to live there, I don’t know. I had never lived alone. I am so worried now. And I can’t leave this opportunity but still I don’t know what to do now.” She was too depressed that the happiness of her success was almost hidden behind her melancholy. And while she was getting depressed about her problem, I got butterflies in my tummy dreaming of meeting her in Jaipur. My sister lived in Jaipur and it was a golden chance for me to meet Shanaya every time I would visit Jaipur. But somehow I was worried for her as well. I knew very well that how much she loved her family and it is always difficult for a girl to live in a city where she had never before but there was no other option for her except Jaipur. “You don’t need to worry about that. You will do fine there in Jaipur. If it is your dream to be what you want to be then go ahead without thinking about these little obstacles. I know that it is difficult to stay away from family but we have to do it. Jaipur is a nice place and I am sure you will love it.” I tried to make her feel comfortable. I know I have heard that Jaipur is a nice city. Well let’s see what happens. Right now I have to go through training and I just want to concentrate in training first, then I will think about the whole Jaipur matter.”- She said. “But as I don’t know anything about Jaipur, I am quite worried that where will I stay there? I need to find a flat first.” “Don’t worry about that. We have a long time. I will find out the best flat for your there in Jaipur.”- I ensured her. “Thanks a lot but how can you find a flat in Jaipur.”- She asked. “You know my sister lives there but I am not going to ask her for flat. I will take help of my friend L.C. to find a flat.”- I told her about my child hood buddy and somehow she felt relaxed but that was not enough for her. “But what will I say to Dad when he will ask me how I found a flat by sitting here in Delhi? You know he will kill me if I will say your name in front of him.”- She seemed worried once again. “I will give you the contact numbers of the people who give flats on rent. Then you can give those numbers to your father telling him that you found it on OLX. But first, let me find some good flats for you till then you just concentrate on your training.” I started running my mind all over in Jaipur but I too didn’t even know where the hell Airport was because I had never been there at Airport. But I had enough time to sort out that problem. “Great Idea! - She exclaimed. “Now all my problems have been almost solved so I can jump from my seat shouting that I am going be an Air Hostess.” – She shouted so hard that I could feel how happy she was at that moment though she took a long time for that scream. “Of course, But I want a treat”- I said making an excuse to meet her once again. “Why Not, come here. We will celebrate. Even Anku & Suhani will also join us”- Shanaya said. “Just because of these government issues I cannot I come Delhi. But next month I will be there for SSC exam and then we can celebrate together.”- I said “Okay that’s fine”- She said At the same time I felt that one side, Shanaya was trying so hard to reach her goals but on the other side there was I, who stood still in his current position even though I didn’t love my work because I had always wanted to be an expert in animation and multimedia instead of a government clerk. Just for a moment I imagined my whole while life that I will be at the same place, almost same position among same people whereas I had always desired to meet new people. I had always wanted to do something adventurous but that was not possible because I had some responsibilities which could not be neglected. Like I said earlier some dreams are now meant to be come true, we can only fight to make them true. And that’s what I was doing at that time. No matter my fight couldn’t be seen by anyone. Soon I changed my mood from tragic to happy. It was like I used to press a button for switching from one type of mood to another and I must say I became habitual of it. I tried to convince my brother every time I got a chance because there was no one with whom I could share my thoughts because sharing with mom was different thing. But there was no advantage of sharing my views because I failed every time to convince him. It’s not like that they didn’t care for me. It was just because they were not aware of my dreams. Every time I tried to tell them they told me that dreaming with open eyes is as bad as hell. So better you keep your foots on ground. And that thing always spoiled my mod. So at last I decided to keep quite till the day when I will prove myself to everyone. While I was lost in my thoughts, I felt my mobile vibrating. “Where the hell have you gone?”- Shanaya asked. I totally forgot that I was talking to Shanaya at that time. “Nothing, I am all here for you”- I said “Are you alright?”- She asked. “Of course, I am fine”- I said. She asked me that question because she was totally aware of my mood every time I talked to her. Whenever I replied her late she assumed there was there was something wrong. So this she also assumed the same. “Okay! That’s good. But I have to go now. See you in the evening. Take Care”- She said. As soon as she hung up the phone, I heard a knock at my door. “May, I come in Sir”- An old man was standing there wearing a grey colored coat pent. It made me feel embarrassed because he was too much elder than me and I was almost of the age of his grandson. Still he called me son. I stood up from my seat; just give him a little respect to that old man but somehow I had to follow the office protocols. “Yeah! Sure please”- I said and the old man entered in my room. He was a well educated person. May be someone retired from service. “I want some information about Old Age Pension. Can you please tell me?”- He asked. In government offices you face a lot of people who don’t even know how to talk to someone. They just talk like they are standing in a farm and asking their servants to plough the field. There are some rare cases who do talk on phone in such a loud voice that no one can concentrate on their work. And some of them will hide themselves in corner of the room while talking on phone without realizing that what funny stuff they are doing. And if you will complaint those person against this then they will come to kill you like they were just waiting for the moment. But this man was totally different from them. He spoke to me politely. So it was my duty to reply him politely. Although it was not my duty to check the Old Age Pension in record but still I did it. “Whose pension you want to know about?”- I asked. “I submitted the old age pension form of my wife five months before in the Block Development office. I visited there many times but every time they told me that they have sent that form to your office. So I just want to know that is her pension is approved or not? Because it takes almost two months to approve a pension but there is delay of three months in our pension. I just want to know the reason of this delay. Although he was well mannered old man, still I was surprised that how the hell I was going to answer his all questions. Actually he was right about the delay. But I don’t think he needed any pension because it looked like that he belonged to a rich family but I could not say this thing to him. I checked his wife’s in my computer data but there I didn’t find anything else. “Sorry Sir, I didn’t find the name. Maybe your application form was rejected.”- I said because rejection of a form was almost normal. If it was reject then I want to know the reason of rejection. I am sure my wife is more than 60 years old and I have all the proofs of her age then how you, sorry your office can reject my application”. - Still he was polite. There was a point. He had the right to know the reason. I tried my best to find his wife’s name but I couldn’t find that anywhere. I checked five months records but after sometime I found that old man embarrassing. Although it was not my duty still I took the responsibility to find his name. I cursed myself for helping him. He wasted more than half an hour. “But it is not his duty to tell you the name”- One of my colleague who just entered in my room told that old man. Although he was my colleague still I didn’t like the way he replied to him. But somehow it was normal in my office. Both of them started arguing and I sat there motionless. At last my colleague defeated that old man which I didn’t like at all but I could not do anything because I was helpless. It was a government job and if you will go against your colleague especially those who are much more elder then you (no matter they all are fifth standard pass) then something bad can happen to you like suspension or charge-sheet. Office politics is one of the main curses of government office and that’s why I hated all those office. 10% percent employees of government offices loves to do work rest are just waiting for their retirement because only after then they will get pension (which is equal to the compensation of 2 freshers) without doing anything. The old man stood from his seat without any conclusion of his problem and left the office. I was surprised that he didn’t say a single word after whereas I have seen a lot of people who did complaint to the deputy commissioner after defeating in a argument with the employees but that day something different happened. I note his wife’s name in my work diary and decided to find out the record so that I could help him next time. I am sure I felt embarrassed at that moment but I forget it soon. After some days I downloaded the admit card of SSC exam which was held Delhi. Once again I was damn excited to meet Shanaya. I told her about my plan because obviously I was going to skip my SSC exam just to meet her because only 5 percent candidates can clear that examination and there was no doubt that I was not one of them. “But at least you should give that exam. Anything can happen. You can’t decide your result just by skipping you test”- Shanaya said. “You know very well that I don’t like government job and if I will clear that examination then I will get only government job. I just don’t’ want government job because I wanted to work in a team work. I don’t want to sit in an office where I cannot to do something innovative. I want colleagues whom I can make my friends. I missed my college life but at least I want to enjoy in my work place. That’s it”- I said “Okay! Don’t get hyper. Okay I have told Suhani and Ankush and they will also join us.”- She exclaimed with joy as she was damn excited to meet her friend Suhani. Obiviously I wanted to meet her alone but as I had missed a friend circle for a long time so I decided to spend time with all three of them. “Are we going to meet at the same place? I mean is it Pacific again?”- I asked. “No. We will decide the venue and then I will tell you the place?”- She said. When you are coming, by the way?” “Saturday”. – I replied “Great! Come then. Waiting for you”- She said. As everything was decided I came to Delhi once again. It was Saket Mall where we had to gather. It was too far from the earlier venue that it took almost two hours for me to reach there because I had never been there before. But as soon as I caught a glimpse of the venue, I was stunned. It was dreamy for me because I used to see those types of mall rarely. So every time I saw those malls I was damn happy. But Saket Select Citywalk Mall was much more beautiful than I predicted. But I must say that I can’t forget Pacific because it was first place where I met Shanaya. I entered the mall. There was a big crowd because of weekend. “Where are you? - I called Shanaya once I came inside. “Where are you?”- She questioned me back. “I am here in the Mall”- I said looking around “I am with Suhani. We will be there in just fifteen minute. Ankush is already there so you can call him. Okay?”- She said. Waiting for fifteen minutes was just too difficult for me but as there was Ankush already so I thought to convince him to marry Suhani. So my next call was for Ankush. I met Ankush at the third floor of the mall and there we talked about more than half an hour. But whenever I asked him about Suhani he kept quite. “Are you blushing?”- I asked Ankush as I caught him smiling without any reason and I must say he was looking too innocent to understand. “What? No Way”- Ankush cleared his throat. “Ahan! That’s good but still you have started feeling something for her. Am I right?”- I asked “What the hell do you both want from us? You are just like Shanaya. She also asks the same question to me and Suhani as well”- Ankush answer very politely like it seemed that he loved it whenever we both (me and Shanaya) talk about them. “How do you know that Shanaya asks the same question to Suhani as well?”- I knew that Suhani would have told him about that but still I want to hear this from Ankush. “It’s just because I talked to her”- Ankush said. “Oh! You mean private talking. Great buddy, carry on. Someday you will get marry to her. I am sure”- I winked at Ankush. “Oh come on yaar! Stop pulling my legs. But I must say that the same things happen with you as well whenever you see Shanaya. Isn’t it?”- Ankush once again questioned me back. “It’s just because I get to meet her after a long time. But you and Suhani can meet whenever you want. Still you feel the same like it has been a long time since you met Suhani. Am I right?”- I said. Now he was totally lost in thoughts. He looked at me twice or thrice and then turned his face aside like he was thinking something strange but then he again looked at me and asked. “Is it love?”- He asked. It was hard for me to control myself from laughing but still I managed it because the way he asked the question, it seemed that he was quite serious. So I didn’t want to spoil his feeling. “I will tell you when Suhani will be here. Just wanted to see that how will you look at her”- I said. “What does that mean? I didn’t understand”- He seemed confused. “I will tell you later. But right now they are in the mall. See there”- I pointed to the ground floor where Suhani and Shanaya both entered the mall and they were looking around for us. “Do we need to go down there to welcome them?”- I asked as I was not habitual meeting friend groups. It was just because I didn’t get a chance. “I don’t know but let’s go”- Ankush said as we both walked down. As soon as we reached near them, I realized I was forgetting each and everything which I told Ankush about Suhani. I just kept looking at Shanaya. I felt like both of were groom and our brides were coming just in front of her. It was third time when I was looking at her personally. I wish I could hug her. I wish I could hold her hand while walking. I wish there would be someone who could force us to get marry but there was no one. Both of us were good at hiding our emotions. Both of us took the responsibility to make the loves story of Ankush and Suhani come true. Even when I was mad about her, still I was unable to express my love. But I was happy because she was just a few meters away from me now. “Hey! Both of you look great together”. No it was not the sentence which I said to the both girls. But it was Shayana who said that sentence as it was for the first time when they saw me with Ankush waiting for them. I exchanged my looks with Ankush and made some gap between both us so that they would not take us as a couple. Four of us passed smile to each other but that was not enough. Once again there was something wrong. If Shanaya would be on my side and Suhani would be on Ankush’s side then it would be the right thing but we were walking totally uncomfortably. But I kept looking at Shanaya whenever I got a chance and obviously she caught me every time and then she smiled back without saying anything else. I also caught Ankush glancing at Suhani from the corner of his eyes. It was just because both me and Shanaya kept encouraging them for their love story and continued teasing them. Shanaya was looking even better than before or maybe it was just because I was attracted by her every time. This time her hair was much longer than before. She wore a purple tunic and I must say that that tunic was indisputably designed for her only. The beads and stone necklace in her neck was totally matching her tunic. Overall she was perfect. And while I was glaring at her, she narrowed her eyes like she wanted to say that Stop glaring me. I’m not that much beautiful. “Did you guys get the tickets?”- Suhani asked as I didn’t even try answer her question. I was busy thinking about shanaya and of course Ankush was out of the world at that time as he was lost in his thoughts about Suhani or maybe he was cursing me and shanaya like what we have done to him. Then after a few second I came to realize her question and my mouth kept opened. I looked at Ankush who was already glaring at me like he wanted to say that “Get ready to die” Both us didn’t even say a single word. And out both girls were intelligent they knew that we didn’t even buy the ticket for the movie. “If you didn’t even buy the ticket, what you guys were doing all the time?” – Shanaya asked. “Discussing”- I said “What? What discussion you are talking about?”- Shanaya asked. I narrowed my arrows at her and she caught me even in a nanosecond. “Ok! Leave it. We can get tickets now”- She said before Suhani could understand what was going on. We got the tickets of the movie The Fault in our Stars.” Although I was fond of movies but that time I lost all my interest to watch a movie. It was just because of Shanaya. We got into the movie hall. I wanted to hold Shanaya’s hand but it was my bad luck or you can say the funny thing that I was holding Anku’s hand. First of all sat Suhani followed by Shanaya, Ankush and Me. I was on the last seat and that made me feel worse. Then an idea came to mind. It could be a flop idea but somehow I had to try that. There was only one chance when we could leave Ankush and Suhani all alone. So trying to make an excuse, I whispered to Ankush. “What would you do if we would leave both you and Suhani alone in this movie hall?” – I asked. He looked at me and said “It’s a romantic movie dude. Don’t try to scare me?” “I didn’t say anything horrific. I know you don’t feel anything about Suhani but still you can think about us I mean about me and Shanaya.”- I winked trying to be a cool boy but unfortunately I was not one of them. “Are you serious? Do you think that she will go outside with you leaving as all alone”- Ankush whispered. “Well, right now I am not sure but still I have to try that. All you need is to co-operate. Can you?”- I asked. “Then what are you waiting for? Go ahead.”- Ankush said as he warned me as well. But I must say that I will not be able to help you out when she will slap you. I know what type of girl she is? So take care pal”- he laughed. I stood up as both the girls looked at me. “What happened? Where are you doing?”- Shanaya asked. I showed her my phone. “Office call”- I said As Shanaya was well known of my office I had told her about my problems with colleagues, she understood within a second. “I just want to blow your office with a bomb right now. Okay! But come soon”- She said. Both Ankush and Suhani glared at us like how much we were concerned about each other. “Thanks”- I said as I rushed to the exit. I came out from the movie hall and took a deep breath. I came to the cafeteria and bought two coffees and sat on the stairs with both the coffee mugs. I placed those mugs on the stairs next to me and took out my phone and texted Shanaya. “Come soon”- I wrote and then I started checking my messages on whatsapp and facebook just to pass my time. After five minutes Shanaya came as everything was planned by both of us. “You are two minutes late Ms. Kaur”- I said as stood up from the stairs holding both the coffee mugs. “So what! Give my coffee and let’s sit here na! Everyne is in the movie hall. So we can seat here comfortably”- She said as she sat on the stairs. “That’s fine as well”- I said as I too sit beside her. There was no one around us and almost that made both us feel comfortable for sometime but then everything went okay when I first spoke. “So how did you convince Suhani? - I asked. “I told her that you will not come until I force you to stop calling you office. “- She said while sipping the coffee as she was holding the mug with her both palm. “How did you convince Ankush”- she asked. I didn’t want to laugh but I could not control. “Nothing that’s buddy secret”- I said. “Oh ho. don’t tell me that you said something like that you know what I mean”- She narrowed her eyes in a funny way. “No I didn’t say anything like that. I just said that you are my crush and I just want to talk to you alone and he agreed”- I winked. “Hahaha”- she laughed and for a moment I forget everything about Suhani and Ankush. She was sitting beside me and I was sipping coffee like a fool when I wanted to hold her in my arms but if I would do that then I would prove Ankush right like that slapping moment and all. I wanted to put my hands around her shoulder just because I loved her. I know it was hard to ignore my feelings for her but I didn’t want to spoil that moment. She was just a few inches away from me. I like the way she moved her lips while sipping coffee. She kept her hair open and I loved it when she brushed her hair behind her ears and that made me notice the beads necklace on her white neck and then she caught me once again. She didn’t say a single word but she blushed. For the first time there was silence between both of us. There were hundreds of topic I wanted to discuss with her but I could not decide which to start first of all. When I was sitting beside her the second went on at the speed of nanosecond. It had been only five minutes since we sat together on the stairs. “Say something and stop staring at me like that”- She smiled. Both of us finished our coffee and placed the empty mugs on the stairs in one corner. She sat comfortably at last and still she was moving her bracelet round-round in her wrist. Then I took a glimpse of her palm. “You have a half moon in your palm”- I said. “What?”- She checked her palm like she was trying to find the whole solar system. “Give me your hands”- I said “What?”- She again questioned. “Not for wedding. Just to let you know that there is a half moon in your hand”- I made her feel comfort and she allowed. I took her hand in mine and joined them together and there was line which made a half moon sign after joining the both hands. While I was holding her hands she felt little nervous but then everything went fine. “Oh I know that what does it mean?”-She asked “Don’t know exactly but it gives the sign of good luck and all. I have the same in my palms as well”- I showed her mine. “That’s nice.”- She said with a smile and once again she was silent. “You are still worried about Jaipur. Isn’t it?”- I asked. “Yeah! I am worried but that’s ok. I can do it now. I am ready for Jaipur”- She nodded “Good for you and for me as well”- I winked. She glanced at me and started laughing “It’s been more than fifteen minutes. I think we should go inside now or Suhani will kill me”- she said. “Yeah! Sure.”- I said as I took both empty mugs and threw them in the dustbin and followed my crush to the movie hall. I hold her hand once again as it was dark in the movie hall and helped her to find her seat. I noticed that both Suhani and Ankush were sitting on their own seats. They didn’t even change them. And that made me feel hopeless. Even Shanaya had thought the same but when I sat beside Ankush, I found him smiling. “What happened? Why are you smiling like an idiot?”- I asked. “I did it”- He said. “What? Did you kiss her?”- I was astonished at his reply. “No you fool, I proposed her”- Ankush said.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:17:54 +0000

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