Really an awful long day what with Noah refusing his chiropractic - TopicsExpress


Really an awful long day what with Noah refusing his chiropractic treatment and then having that heinous allergic reaction to macadamia nut dust. But, just wanted to comment before retiring that I think doctors and psychiatrists have it the hardest. I talked to a variation of those professions today. Said, my friend said I should talk to you... explained her childs problems. I explained what I know. She was flabbergasted and highly annoyed because her time is valuable and well, she would KNOW if her child was medically ill. Never mind the toddler diarrhea reflux food issues (its all will with this one...he CAN eat other foods...he just chooses NOT too...sigh) I think the great pain associated with the truth is just too hard to bear and it will keep some people in denial until they go to the grave. The more you love your stuff, your ways...your beliefs...the harder it will be for you and your child. FACT. Right now, parents know more than doctors when it comes to autoimmune science. Because we do something they have not done. We read the package inserts on vaccines. We talk to independent researchers and we do what they have been forbidden to do. Heal children. We also are free to digest the science and come to our OWN conclusions. Hint: ANY study without a PLACEBO IS NOT A REAL STUDY PEOPLE! We are free to do the research because no one is paying us to have a particular outcome. As I have said repeatedly--we get paid in RECOVERY. Mainstream docs are fed dogma. They repeat it to us. We go research it. We challenge them. They either read it for themselves and join us, or kick us out of their practices for knowing too much. Noahs diagnosing pediatric neurologist--the one who delivered the blow 4 months after I had diagnosed him myself: Well clearly you know. He has autism. You really are great with him. Are you a therapist? Do you have a medical background? Me: Nope. Just a mom. Sidenote: If you are coming to a Thinking Mom because you have just left a doctor WHO WILL NOT prescribe anti-psychotics to your 5 year old--we are not the people who are going to tell you what you want to hear. We are the people who are going to tell you to run enthusiastically back to that physician and thank them for being thoughtful, for having integrity, for knowing the risks. FOR FREEING YOU TO EDUCATE YOURSELF. Really. REALLY. You challenging child is your gift. They are here to teach you how to heal yourself, heal him/her/our nation and our world. If you want him to calm down you have to do the work. Period. No one wants to hear it. But its true
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 02:38:52 +0000

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