Really didnt want to ruin the mood of St.pattys so i saved this - TopicsExpress


Really didnt want to ruin the mood of St.pattys so i saved this for today. Get ready for all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors but im just typing this off the top of my head. This is straight from my heart and its some mushy sad ish just warning you. First off thank you for everyone who came up to Blueprint great party i had lots of fun for my last ever Laurier party. Sorry about NVs coat check it was nuts and hopefully it will be fixed. Onto the sad ish. This Sat night and sunday really just tore me to bits i had friends (not random ppl) yell scream at me, people i considered best friends pretty much leave me in the dirt and i have to seriously just question what im doing with my life. I try my best to be a nice person because im following jesus and because i like being nice. But some of you people just really know how to destroy good people. I really havent done anything but put people first while they put me 2,3,4,5,6 or not even a top 10 and its ruff and i only noticed it when a couple people started showing me. ANd then saturday and sunday happened. I cant stand when people drop dudu lumps into my face and then tell me to not worry because its cheerios. Im not stupid. But what really hurts is when these are people i would jump in front of a bullet for. People i would drop my bank account on. People i would drive hours for. Im really confused, and im praying and i cant think straight. But monday i nearly got into a huge car accident one that i am pretty sure would have hurt me significantly or killed me, and after i was literally saved by god before i drove off a cliff into the highway below i thought if i had died just then would all the people that treated me like crap, underpaid me, snaked me rey tey tey would they actually care that they did any of those stuff to me. Would they even care that they never apologized. A lot of people do some very rugged ish to me and i dont say anything hold my tongue and smile, laugh but its slowly eating at me and its literally only prayer that doesnt make me Kayne West on the world...but it aint raplh doe. On Sunday basically an entire family from Brampton died in their house RANDOMLY they werent shot at, or stabbed they just died from Carbon Monoxide. Life is so short and nobody knows who will be here tomorrow. So with that being said i just want to thank the few people that actually came and apologized to me for what they did, because for about a day i really lost faith in everyone, and just wanted to runaway. Im a nice guy but that doesnt mean i dont have feelings that cant be stomped. Cause i literally felt like this weekend my feelings were anally raped. I would like to think i put in a lot of work at friendships, work, and i can always do more, as can anyone. But i would really appreciate it if anyone is still reading, if you have screwed around with someone or did them dirty that you just apologize for what you did, be it stealing from them, yelling at them, lying to them, talking behind their back, etc. Just grow up and apologize for it because you never know the people may not be their tomorrow for you to say it. With that being said i really have to thank anyone that came up and said thank you for the party, or for anything. All the many people that were kind enough to wait while i was helping with coat check even though they were immensely pissed. And to Colton Darnell who came up and had a conversation with me telling me how much respect he has for me and how great of a person i am. It really means a lot to me bro cause this weekend has made me feel worthless. And i was seriously just thinking on becoming a complete dick, because thats what it seems everyone wants. But seriously im not going to change who i am, im not going to treat people like crap just because they do it to me. So when you people(and if your wondering if it was probably was you) do these things to me im going to simply do exactly what Jesus would do. Forgive you over and over and over until you literally just feel like hot roasted cow manure from Marry Mow cows arse. Kill em with Kindness. Cause if just one person says im a great person i feel like its worth it. And if you are close with someone who is a great person tell them that they are, cause it means more coming from your lips then some random person. Ive met so many of them i cant name them on a facebook status. And you probably wont be seeing any rants from me for a while im taking some time to try and talk and hang out with people that are my close friends people that do a ton for me and before i do that i have to evaluate who those people are cause right now i feel like i cant trust anyone right now so im going to be taking facebook very lightly if not avoiding it altogether for a lil bit. So if i dont get back to you immediately i will once i see it. Sorry for the length of this. God loves you, i love you, so does Miley Cyrus.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:44:30 +0000

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