Really now who gives a shit about other games when Dota 2 exists? - TopicsExpress


Really now who gives a shit about other games when Dota 2 exists? There wont ever be a remotely as hardcore game as Dota 2. I dont understand why you people bother arguing or having discussions about any other game when there wont be a game as comparably good as Dota 2 for another 10-20 years. Ill put my credibility on the line here, and say that Dota 2 is the best game of all time. By best game of all time, I refer to artistic and technical production, and gameplay design iteration (since Dota is arguably one of the most iterated upon computer game). From a technological rendering standpoint, its visuals may not be king, but the art assets, overall art direction, and particle effects are the best that I have ever seen. The most excellently, tastefully produced art that I have ever seen in a game. The voice cast is the best I have ever heard, Dota 2 has Duke Nukem (Jon St. John), Cortana (Jen Taylor), Nathan Drake (Nolan North), the entire L4D cast, the entire Half-Life 2 cast, the entire Team Fortress 2 cast, and GlaDOS from Portal. Lets actually get down to the gameplay. No two games I have ever played have felt similar to the point of feeling rote. Each and every hero in Dota 2 is distinctly different from another, offering a uniquely encapsulated experience with well-defined goals for every single playable character in Dota. Because every hero feels so profoundly unique, every game that I play of Dota 2 feels fundamentally different in a way that League of Legends is not able to reproduce. I could go on, and on, but at this point I might as well just make a video essay. My only regret is that I never played Dota on Warcraft 3, because I wasnt really into gaming when I was younger. Now, I have some Dota 2 to play. Dota 2 is seriously a game I could play ad-inifnitum, and never get tired of. Why bother with any other game? - YouTube Comment
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:16:19 +0000

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