Rear ended, then yelled at by the lady who hit me, telling me its - TopicsExpress


Rear ended, then yelled at by the lady who hit me, telling me its my fault for not merging and turning right AT A RED LIGHT. (Everyone is okay.) Noah threw a fit and complained and cried b/c I never play video games with him and he has no friends... Went to Lilys well check (10 minutes late - I hate being late for appointments), waited TWO HOURS to get out of there. Went to lunch HUNGRY, ordered as soon as we sat down, told the guy we were really hungry and no we didnt want chips, 40 MINUTES until they finally brought a burnt burger, over cooked chicken breast for Lily, and raw broccoli for me while there was hardly anyone in the place. Not the best way to follow up a beautiful morning walk. (My daughter always complains about walking or anything physical so it wasnt perfect.) Saw some nice friends at a park. Lily threw a tantrum, now Ill need to go to the grocery store after Monte gets home. And now I get to make dinner that my daughter is already complaining about. Yes... I need bedtime now. I am GRATEFUL my daughter and son have breath to complain, that no one was hurt, the van is fine, we have a great pediatrician even if she was REALLY late, GRATEFUL for insurance (all kinds) and that I have a car to drive, a home to come home to and food in my home to prepare and eat. Yes, I have perspective, I am grateful, but Im also a little grumpy.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 00:35:03 +0000

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